Stop wondering, please!

I read the reviews people wrote of this show, and it strikes me odd they are still at awe why this show got cancelled.
A series which references to terrorists downing planes on buildings?!
It really doesnt take genious to figure this out... or does it?

Its still sad, I kind of like this show. Its still showing here in Finland, but not for long...

Btw, just in an episode shown last night(in Finland), cant remember the name, but it has Frohike dancing tango, one line was something like "terrorists can paint a Cessna with this, and crash it to the White House" (not an exact quote).


what so ever. what do you think about all those *american* action movies when the white house or new-york have been destroyed about a thousand time. The show wasn't cancelled because of this, if so, all those movies with explosion and terrorist should been destroyed. Don't you think?(being sarcastic here.)
And you can say goodbye to the acting career of Bruce Willis,Arnold Schwarzenegger if this thing happen one day. You have to admit it, the american love to see their country in danger(or destroyed) in the movies. Independance Day, Die Hard, Armageddon, ect...

~ I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!~


You poor misguided fool! Bryuce Willis would do do just fine cause he's a grat actor! And what the hell have you got against Die Hard?


Don't worry pal! I don't having anything against Die Hard such a great movie with great actors... Alan Rickman... hum anyway, I was just saying that the lone gunmen wasn't cancelled because of the terrorist

~ I'll cut his heart out with a spoon!~


You see, the terrorism remarks, they all happened before September 11. It really only makes things strange that the plot to crash the plane into the towers was written far before the actual incident. At the time all this happened, there was little concern with terrorism as a taboo subject.

And, also, I agree with the others who mention that should Terrorism be marked as taboo, 90% of all action movies would be banned.


Ummm, sorry to ruin your theory, but "The Lone Gunmen" was cancelled and off the air months before September 11th. Were T.V. executives psychic or something and knew that Sept. 11th would happen and cancelled it? Love to get the answer to that imarkog!


Actually has little to nothing to do with psychic television execs. In recent years FOX has garnered quite the reputation for mishandling and cancelling some of the best shows conceived anywhere in recent memory (almost 90% of them never see their entire first seasons aired). The Lone Gunman, Firefly, Wonderfalls and far too many others to name have all bowed at the chopping block that is FOX TV. It's almost as if the FOX execs see a great idea for a show that is witty, different and has any shred of artistic dignity, decide to spend the money to buy and make the show, then completely mishandle the marketing and airing of the show, just so they can cancel it and remove yet another attempt at quality, thoughtful TV from the eyes of the American public.

Yet crap drivel like Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire and sexist crap like The Swan are the bread and butter of the network - most of which shows were brought in deliberately as replacements for something else more meaningful that got the ax.

How shows like 24, Bernie Mac and Arrested Development have survived on this network is beyond me.

One of the saddest things to see is that a lot of really creative television creators like Todd Holland, Tim Minear and Joss Weadon are moving all their new projects over to cable almost as a direct result from having to deal with FOX completely mishandle their shows.

The Lone Gunman is a great example. I think of all the X-File spin-offs that Chris Carter created, this one was the best. Yet FOX did not even bother to air every episode from it's first season prior to cancelling the show. And then to kill TLG off in the final episodes of the X-Files, ouch. I know that was most likely a Chris Carter decision, but something tells me if the show had not been terminated, he would not have killed those guys off - or at the very least, saved their deaths for the end of their show and not killed them prematurely with the end of the X-Files.

As for the coincidences with 9/11. That's easy enough. Plans for a terror attack of flying planes into the WTC and other US landmarks have been known and public knowledge since the early 90s. Sometimes it helps to stop watching so much damn TV and pick up the newspaper or a book sometimes. Also, spend some quality time with public TV and public radio. Get away from all the drivel out there and get some real news in your brains and you'll be surprised just how much you will always be aware of that none of your friends and family are. And if you can swing it, does hurt to watch the BBC and pick up at least one or two international newspapers. Open your mind and round out your outlook of yourself and the world.

You gotta figure, when the average Joe almost anywhere in the world who has been paying attention, knew about terror plans to attempt to fly and explode planes into the WTC and other US landmarks since these plans were made public back in 1992, then why is it that (rhetorical) you are one of the few in the world who had no clue about it until after it happened? If you are getting all your news exclusively from regular network TV, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, then that is the problem. Even though we have freedom of the press in the US, we hardly ever excersize it, and these media outlets base the stories and the facts they report (ie. the news) strictly on what will sell advertising airtime and print space. If they feel whatever story will not sell ad space that well, then they will not ever report on it - even if they have the story right in their hands. So how can you be an informed and educated world citizen if the only outlet you have for information is functionally busted? You can't. But you can be hit up with literally hundreds of hours of commercial advertising a year, which warps your mind to make you into little more than a consumer to buy the goods that you are told you want to buy. None of which works to your own personal benefit, you get the worst news reporting anywhere in the free world, plus you are almost always broke because you buy to many things that your life is just fine without.

Don't get me wrong, not trying to knock capitalism or free trade or anything, I just understand that there has to be a balance to everything you do in life - momma always said, "even too much of a good thing is bad." And while you are busy going through the process of being over-commericalized, there is a whole world going on out there that you do not even have a clue about that public radio and television are broadcasting the stories of on a daily basis. A whole world that directly affects you. Ignorance is not bliss afterall.




My theory has been that The Lone Gunmen just didn't get placed well and therefore didn't get good ratings. This seems to be why a lot of my friends didn't like it. They fall into two groups, those who watched X Files regularly and those who didn't. Those who were X Files fans were disappointed with The Lone Gunmen. They wanted another cult series that had the same style as X Files. The other group of people didn't watch it because they thought it was another cult series that had the same style as X Files.

If it had a couple more seasons and some better marketing I think it could have been a success. Fox seems to think they can develop a show like The Simpsons in a single season. Even The Simpsons couldn't do that.


Are there any other X-Files spin-offs?
I'm from the UK and we're always slow on the uptake of new shows from the US.
