MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > DVD Officially Announced!!!

DVD Officially Announced!!! have just released the news item that The Lone Gunmen is COMING TO DVD!!! As had already been mentioned by Dean Haglund, the dvd set will be arriving in March 2005

No word on whether the Pilot will be featured, either uncut or otherwise, but what has been confirmed is at least one extra. The extra in question may not be a big surprise, but it will be the X Files season 9 episode "Jump the Shark", that effectively ties up the storylines for The Lone Gunmen.

To read the news for yourself, visit The site regularly features news items first, so it would be a good idea to check back regularly for the latest news on the dvd set.


[deleted] is selling it too. march 29.


Lone Gunmen, The - Complete Series
Release Information:

Studio: 20th Century Fox
Release Type: Season Boxed Set
Release Date: 3/29/2005
Number of Discs: 3
Number of Episodes: 14
Running Time: 559 mins
Retail Price: $39.98 (US$)

Audio/Video Information:

Video: Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1)
Audio: English - Surround
Spanish - Surround
Subtitles: English, Spanish
(info from

I will FINALLY Be able to see Capt'n Toby!!! Hallelujiah Pass me a pocket protector! And I don't care how many times I see Jump the Shark. You don't see any bodies in the coffins, and even if I did, I think it'd be just another conspiracy. I think Skinner got them into the Witness Protection Program...and that Mulder was just hallucinating later on.

FYI: I can't wait for January either ;)
Millennium - Season 2
Release Information:
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Release Type: Season Boxed Set
Release Date: 1/04/2005
Number of Discs: 6
Number of Episodes: 23
Running Time: 989 mins
Retail Price: $59.98 (US$)

Audio/Video Information:

Video: Full Frame (1.33:1)
Audio: Unknown
Subtitles: None/Unknown

Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

My doctor says taking a Byers can stop a heart attack...
...apparently my doctor's never seen J.F. Byers ;)


I can't wait to have those dvd! I hope they will be available in Canada, Quebec! I taped almost all the episode... but they should have leaved jump the sharks... I never be so angry in all my life...and I never get angry at a t.v show. so...

so that's a very good news!

Tak Care!

Drop Dead!Fred!


Disc One, Side One
• Pilot
• Bond, Jimmy Bond
• Eine Kleine Frohike

Disc One, Side Two
• Like Water For Octane
• Three Men and a Smoking Diaper
Special Features:
• Episode Commentary

Disc Two, Side One
• Madam, I'm Adam
• Planet of the Frohikes
• Maximum Byers

Disc Two, Side Two
• Diagnosis Jimmy
• Tango De Los Pistoleros
Special Features:
• Episode Commentary

Disc Three, Side One
• The Lying Game
• All About Yves
Disc Three, Side Two
• The Cap'n Toby Show
Special Features:
• Episode Commentary
• The X-Files: Jump The Shark with episode commentary
• Making Of/Retrospective
• TV Spots: Pilot, Bond, Jimmy Bond, Eine Kleine Frohike, Like Water For Octane, Three Men and a Smoking Diaper, Madam, I'm Adam, Planet of the Frohikes, Maximum Byers, Diagnosis: Jimmy, Tango De Los Pistoleros, The Lying Game, All About Eve, The Cap'n Toby Show.

I am stoked! Just a couple weeks away!
Adrian Paul for the next James Bond!


Do you know when it will be available??

Drop Dead!Fred!


The 29th of March!
Adrian Paul for the next James Bond!


Im so happy! I feel dumb tho, cuz i JUST emailed fox about when the DVD's were getting released. Whatever. Im going home to Pre-order!!!!! :D


It's coming to DVD? YES!!!!! ALL RIGHT! And to think, people ask me why I believe in God. News like this is proof that He exists. I'm definitely going to get the DVD as soon as I can!


oh man, sweetness.

I loved this show so much when it came on, I had a great show to watch on fridays when usually there weren't any good shows on, and I was pissed when I found out they cancelled it.

I gotta go and get $40 set aside for this.


Don't suppose anyone knows when it's going to be released in the UK? Or if it even will be?


Omg I just heard about this today and it totally made my day! I was soooo bummed when Lone Gunmen was cancelled! That is so wicked that it's going to be out on DVD.


I have recently received my copy of the lone gunmen DVD and i am delighted with it. The 3-disc box set also includes TV spots, Commentary from the makers on each episode and a great little making of documentry. It also contains the x-file jump the shark where we see the adventures of the lone gunmen to a early and unwanted end.


Holy cow, I just (yesterday!) bought the 3 seasons of the XF that I was missing making it a complete set! But how is it a complete set with The Lone Gunmen coming to DVD?! Guess I'll be spending more money!



http://pretentiousl ytitledblog.blogspot .com


I got it yesterday! I was up all night watching it. Now I have to go back and watch the episodes with commentaries! AWSOME!!!!!


Got it yesterday after class, went home and started watching. Ahhhhhh...

http://pretentiousl ytitledblog.blogspot .com
