Last episode?

Hi, I'm from England and The Lone Gunmen was on the Sci fi channel around 11am on weekdays. So it was difficult (because of work) to be able to watch all the episodes. Now I taped what I thought was the last episode (because there was no Lone Gunmen on the next day) but I am not shaw if it is. It is the episode called All about Eve' or something like that. It finishes with them being caught along with Eve by that funny secret service agent.
The reason I'm not shaw it is the last episode is because the next episode with the Lone Gunmen in, is the X Files - Jump the Shark - which would mean alot of things have happened between All about Eve and Jump the Shark.
So could any one tell me if All about Eve is the last episode in The Lone Gunmen series.

Also in All about Eve that geeky computer hacker who somethimes helps the Lone Gunmen is in it. I thought he'd been killed in an X Files episode before the Lone Gunmen started - could someone clirfy this for me?




Actually according to TLG guide at, there is one more episode that showed after 'All About Yves' called 'The Cap'n Toby Show' which was supposed to be shown after Fox cancelled the series.

This episode isn't a continuation of All About Yves as it features all the characters. I think it was supposed to be shown before All About Yves but wasn't as the production code prceeds that of the Yves episode.


Hi i downloaded this show from the net because i live in australia and i was thinking when they cancelled it the show wouldn't be shown and i was correct. this was such a great show plenty of humor displayed by all three main charcters even jimmy bond was a great part. i have seen all the episodes including (all about Yves and The cap'n toby show) the former was shot before the final episode and had nothing to do with all about Yves. it was a good episode where langley talked about how he watched this show when he was a kid and was annoyed about this young producer coming in and changing the shows format but the funny thing was cap'n toby ended up being a spy. its a very funny episode so if you can get it do so.


I just watched "The Captain Toby Show" right after "All About Yves". I thought it would continue!! Man was I mad when it didn't. We will NEVER know what happened!!

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.


"The Cap'n Toby Show" actually comes right before "All About Yves" in the series. I'm not sure why it was never shown, but it is on the DVD's.

In the X-file's episode "Jump the Shark" Morris Fletchers says that he used the Gunmen to capture Yves, and he "arranged a meeting" with someone who was paying him to deliver her. It's then that she goes missing, but we don't ever find out what exactly she was wanted for.


I think she was wanted because she stole that memory disk from Fletcher that contained the abduction listings. Right?

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.
