Just got the DVDs

I just got the DVDs. Only saw it twice while on tv, new kid and job. I just got the DVD and am upset I didn't make more time to watch. This is a great show. Good stories without taking itself too seriously on the conspiracy theory angle. Wish there were more shows like this out there now.


Just a question for you (or anyone else who has the dvd's).

I was just reading the triva and it said that there was an X-Files episode that raps up all the plots for the show after it was canceled. I'm just woundering if that episode is in the DVD Box set.


Yes, this episode ("Jump the Shark" from Season 9) is on the DVDs.



There were a bunch of problems with Disc 2, mine was mislabeled, side 1 was actually side 2 and vice versa, but I still got all the episodes, luckily. You could call an 1-800 number and they'd send you a new disc if you got one of the defective ones.
