MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > Please revive the lone gunmen

Please revive the lone gunmen

I recieved my copy of the lone gunmen last week and just finished watching the series for the first time. How gutted was i to find that this brilliant programme had finished in a two-parter. I was devastated.

The show far surpassed any expectations that i had about it, and learning that the show had been cancelled was a bitter pill to swallow. I hope that the people at fox realise the mistake they have made and reconsider. So add your praise/dissapointme nt here to let fox know what you thought maybe they will take some notice.....


They are dead...they died during the final season of The X-files


^Hey good work spoiling for anyone who hasn't seen that episode.

Anyway, I don't think they died.
"The furious strength of the creature was ample enough to protect its terror-stricken cubs."


SPOILER WARNING!!!!!! read at your own risk...

They <<might>> be dead. They never actually held a memorial service, only <<supposedly>> buried them at Arlington National cemetery. That is besides the point.

From the end of the first (and hopefully not last) season, and the episode of the X-Files where they <<supposedly>> die, three years went by on the X-Files timeline. The Lone Gunmen even admit to having spent over three years looking for Iyves. As far as the X-Files universe is concerned, a second (or even third) season of The Lone Gunmen could be made and aired without having any effect on its continuity.

Besides, I think Fox (the network, not Mulder) had the Gunmen killed to stifle the barrage of fan mail asking for a second season.


Haha... jerks.

I tried to accept jesus in my heart. But then my doctor ordered a bypass.


Exactly... because, as I posted elsewhere, this IS the X-Files world...
(nerd mode on)
they may not really be dead, no matter what Gilligan and the other writers say. There is a very clear "out", in that Yves' father was the financier behind the virus. It is not hard to imagine him having had a "cure' developed also, in which case multiple "Gunmen Resurrected" scenarios come to mind, such as Yves stealing the "cure" from her father, or faking that she was exposed so he would give it to her, or... et cetera. Any could easily work and lead to a "fake" funeral, to get the Gunmen into "deep cover". (nerd mode off)

Some would argue that this would take away from the sacrifice they make in the JTS episode, but I say it would go along exactly with who they are and the conspiracy theories they get so worked up about. What better than for their "deaths" to become a conspiracy. With Kimmy the Geek suspecting that they ar alive, but always one step behind in proving it :) .

IMO, The Lone Gunmen will really be needed in the X-Files wrap-up movies(hopefully a trilogy, with Mulder and Scully finally saving everyone on Earth from the alien threat, and then Mulder leaving this planet by choice, at the end of the third : )).

The Lone Gunmen are an important thread of the whole cloth.

"So shines a good deed in a weary world."--W.Wonka


They are CERTAINLY dead because they appear to Mulder as ghosts in "The Truth". In any other show, this would mean nothing, but in the very same episode the ghosts of Krycek and Mr. X have to be ghosts because they actually interact with Mulder (Krycek opens a door for him, Mr. X gives him a note) which would make it impossible that they were hallucinations. Since Krycek and Mr. X are definitely ghosts, that would mean everyone that Mulder sees as a ghost in "The Truth" is dead, as well. As someone said above, you could make a buttload of "Lone Gunmen" adventures that take place before their deaths, but they most certainly are dead. I'm not too enthused about it, but that's the way it is. We'll never see an "X-Files" movie that features Krycek, the Lone Gunmen and CSM unless it's a prequel, which sucks.


>They are CERTAINLY dead because they appear to Mulder as ghosts in "The Truth"


>In any other show, this would mean nothing, but in the very same episode the
>ghosts of Krycek and Mr. X have to be ghosts because they actually interact
>with Mulder (Krycek opens a door for him, Mr. X gives him a note) which would
>make it impossible that they were hallucinations

Ah. So the "ghost" of Krycek helps Mulder out of a pickle... why? Could it be, and this is just me thinking out loud and all, the Mulder was hallucinating or otherwise delusional? Perhaps he was under so much stress by hiding out/being on the run from the powers that be that he's started to slip a little mentally. Consider also that he was probably not interacting with that many people in order to stay off the radar... he may have been creating some conversations to fill in the gaps.

Yes, I know Krycek warned him about the guard and such, but might that not have been a healthy caution or fear of getting caught manifesting itself?

Personally, I think the Gunmen are dead as well, but I don't think it's a definite at all. We never saw the bodies. Until there's some call for them to be alive, though, I don't think we'll ever hear differently.


I agree with you, they are dead, as the story stands, of course.

And they could easily be alive if the X-files films' stories need them, without any stretch at all. Of course a little stretch can be good in the X-Files universe, so if they bring them back, it could be very fitting IMO to do something like have the residual effects of the virus be: Frohike blind, Langley deaf, and Byers mute. Okay, that's more than a little stretch. Over over-the-top, for sure, but could lead to fun and amazing scenes. I would bet that Bruce Harwood would not go for this idea, however :) ... .

"So shines a good deed in a weary world."--W.Wonka



No. It was definitely less than a year between "All About Yves" and "Jump the Shark." We know this because the X-Files season nine opener had the Lone Gun Gunmen with the blue paint still on their faces from "All About Yves"


Dude, their alive if the writers and FOX wants them to be. Remember, it's made up.

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.


There is a simple fact that makes a reappearance of the gunmen possible. They never showed their bodies.

They never showed them getting any symptoms from the virus that supposedly killed them.

With that being the case, there is no reason why the lone gunmen couldn't have disappeared intentionally to do some real undercover work.


am i the only one who thinks it is a little strange that all of the coffins were the exact same size? since when was frohike so tall? i may sound crazy, but at the burial it sounded like they were talking in code.


If I remember right, Dean Haglund alludes to this himself in the Retrospective Featurette on the DVDs. While I think he was just being coy, he did say something I've always agreed with: nobody dies in science fiction. If you take things at face value and they were buried at Arlington, that's great- honor for unknown heroes. If they weren't... Leonard Nimoy was in 4 more Star Trek movies after Spock "died." Science fiction always leaves a thread for the future.


I also saw the featurette. they seemed to go out of their way to drop hints that the gunmen may not be dead. Besides wasnt mulder sunk six feet under only to be dug up and brought back to life....


apoliak: it was only 1 year between "All About Yves", and Jump the Shark.....


Haglund also comments that the coffins are supposed to be custom made for level 5 contagion victims (or something like that) and those three coffins are definitely the same size...



Well, maybe in the next "The X-Files" movies that is if they ever make another, the "Lone Gunmen" can return briefly in the movie once or twice.
To me that would so cool to see the "Lone Gunmen" in the next "The X-Files" movie.



is there confirmatin of another xfiles movie?....


Sort of, it will be made eventually.


To end this debate -- on The Lone Gunmen DVD set, one of the execs (John Shiban maybe) says that they would love to bring back the Lone Gunmen if they could think of how to do it. Dean Haglund also discusses how the Gunmen may not be dead. This doesn't mean the show will ever be revived. I'm sure it won't. But seeing the Gunmen in future X-Files films is entirely possible. Maybe their deaths (which we never see) have been faked, and they've been recruited by the government to apply their investigative and technological brilliance toward a higher cause...

And to clarify, I'm pretty sure only one year passed in the X-Files world between the last TLG episode and Jump the Shark -- not three years.


"All About Yves" aired on May 11, 2001 and "Jump the Shark" aired on April 21, 2002 so it wasn't even a year (but close) and it certainly wasn't three.


The Mulder saw them as Ghosts argument: Mulder was hallucinating. He was in the desert, for cryin' out loud!
The Burial arugment: HOW many times has Mulder been buried or 'killed'? Its the X-F univers, it means nothing.
Even if they really died, they could be easily reseructed, its a supernatural universe. I concur: Bring back the LGM!

"Whats a Magneto?"~Wolverine


<Spoiler a contained Henceforth>

I too wish for the lone Gunmen to be revived. The Fox Executives are trigger happy sonnsabiches, huh? If i was an executive, i would have killed the X-files, a season or two before its ghastly series fanale. Or at least killed off Mulder. Duchovney turned his back on the show and if you ask me, it was wrong for the writers to try and make us by that ridiculous crap about his supposed kidnapping and him being on the run from those mother- *beep* supersoldiers. Dont even get me started on those things. But, i digress, the three exiled 1013 shows, MM, Lone Gunmen and Harsh realm all deserved time to become what the X-files become, more time to develope. Althogu Millennium did so nicely but still deserved more time. The Lone Gunmen deserved a short run, and maybe if it had aired on a decent network, besides the devil worshippers that run Fox, just, maybe, it may have become a staple in modern television.

"Take my Knife, please"


no one really dies on the x-files(Before I get jumped on by some pedant I know LGM isn't the x-files but it shares the same space/science fiction whatever you want to call it and as long as I keep telling myself that I'll be a happy lady.
What I found astonishing is that this show only got one series ONE SERIES!!! It in many ways was more accessible then TXF as some people found it hard to deal with the supernatural stories rather than the conspiracies.
For what it's worth I think the fact that people actually take the time to write to boards like this shows that there is a market for these shows. I want my LG back!
