MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > 10/12/72 Vanvoucer, Canada

10/12/72 Vanvoucer, Canada

Just watching the episode, "All About Yves" and "10/12/72 Vanvoucer, Canada" appears in the list of terrorist attacks. Does anyone know what they are refering to?


Yes, the list is interesting. Down near the bottom when they are noticing the JFK assassination listing, you will notice 02/10/67 Richmond VA. As I grew up in Virginia, I wondered about that one and it turns out to be Vince Gilligan's birthday!

So, 10/12/72 may be a similar joke date.

11/10/1965 was the date of the big blackout in New England, [had to look this up] subject of the film "Where were you When the Lights Went Out?".

The final one is 07/28/52 seems to be a mistake, as I found:
"1952 Jul 26, Argentina’s first lady, Eva Peron, died of cancer in Buenos Aires at age 33. "

Also, wondering about 10/27/68 Wales.


Any chance it could have said '10/21/66 Wales'?

That was the date of the Aberfan Disaster when a slag heap slid down a mountain and killed 144 people - 116 of them children in the local school!

Just a thought.

