Ignoring how National "Security" Advisor Condi Rice said "nobody could have predicted..." I want to say this:
I'm looking forward to listening to the "commentary by creators and casts" for the pilot episode - Dean Haglund was on the Alex Jones Show (17Dec2004 - http://www.infowars.com / audio/haglund.htm ) and if I recall correctly said one of the head writers was really freaked out ( http://www.prisonplanet.com / audio/181204haglundclip.mp3 ) when Dean called him on 9-11 saying "holy crap are you seeing this dude?" or similar.
Dean, in this interview, said that during the recording of the commentary audio tracks, he and the writers were very open and candid discussing the 9-11 similarities...
(Also interesting - look at the section "TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW" at http://www.infowars.com / archives/2004/Dec/12-17-04.htm . It makes mention of an analysis of the 9-11-esque storyline in TLG's pilot episode - found at http://www.infowars.com / print/Sept11/pp_sept11.htm .)
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Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia, Darren Dirt.
I skipped ahead to the audio commentary when the plane is approaching the WTC... I was disappointed to hear how censored their comments were. Especially knowing that Dean appeared on Alex Jones and has, shall we say, "unorthodox" opinions about certain 9-11 details.
But hey it's FOX, child of ultra-rightwring neocon Murdoch, so the fact that the show got to a pretty decent DVD release is astounding in of itself. :)
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Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia, Darren Dirt.
I taped all the episodes of the Lone Gunmen, and the day of the terrorist attacks, something told me there was a familliar feeling to all of this. That's when I popped in the pilot and sat in shock to realize that, six months before the attacks, the writers of the show coincidentely called out future events on national television. I couldn't believe it, and neither could my family.
There's actually other uncanny 9/11 coincidences in recent films prior to 2001. There's supposed to be one even in the 9th season 01st episode of "The Simpsons" too. But, the "Independence Day" and "The Patriot" "coincidences" to me are just too chilling. Check out the "Hollywood 9/11" article at http://www.vyzygoth.com.
While I have not looked at any of the links you have provided (yet), I do want to mention that TLG was what I thought about when it was all going down. The thing that I thought was so chilling about the episode was not only that they called the event right, but the aftermath.
If you remember, the evil terrorist group behind the attack in the TLG pilot was a faction of our own government. The reason: There is a group of people in this country who make a killing (pun intended to make my point) when this country goes to war.
In the real world, this group has made its profit. Also, the Patriot act, the wiretaps, and other (possibly illegal) invasions of our privacy to increase "homeland security." Don't forget the entire Iraq debacle. 9-11 was the catalyst for all of this happening. The government is getting more and more involved in our lives, and if we are not careful, we could turn into the Soviet Union. A totalitarian government where everybody is spied upon.
There are already questions into whether or not the government actually knew about the attack, and if they willingly were neglegent, or if they were just incompetent. I wouldn't be surprised if in some future time it comes out that a faction of our own government actually helped Al Quieda in their attack.
One of the founding fathers once said: "Eternal vigilence is the price of Liberty." I believe that what he was saying was not to be eternally vigalant of Tyrants abroad, but rather to be eternally vigilant of tyranny springing up in your own government.
***UPDATE*** The Eternal vigilence quote was actually by the abolishonist Wendell Phillips in 1852 - well after the country was founded and the founding fathers had all passed on. Source: http://www.freedomkeys.com/vigil.htm
(quote) The government is getting more and more involved in our lives, and if we are not careful, we could turn into the Soviet Union. A totalitarian government where everybody is spied upon.
There are already questions into whether or not the government actually knew about the attack, and if they willingly were neglegent, or if they were just incompetent. I wouldn't be surprised if in some future time it comes out that a faction of our own government actually helped Al Quieda in their attack. (/quote)
It's worth than you realize, but in a way there's reason to feel hopeful. The problem is not new, but the solution is finally gaining ground and being talked about. Ihighly recommend you read the book "Adventures In Legal Land", and read some of the articles / listen to the audio files available at this website:
^ Especially recommended: in the mid 1800's Lysander Spooner wrote "No Treason: The Constitution of no Authority" -- it is linked above in both written and audio form.
Yeah it was pretty weird. When 911 happened, I was like...this seems familiar. Then I remembered the pilot episode and I was like dang...that's just plain weird.
"I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death!" -Nas, NY State of Mind