MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > Sorry! It's a mediocre show!

Sorry! It's a mediocre show!

I don't say this in comparison to The X-Files, his eternal shadow. This show has a lot of potential, but the episodes are small cartoon stories, with no fun at all!
The Pilot was a good start, but after that was downhill.
Don't expect complex plots or complex characters; everything is like watching a Scooby-Doo episode!

Your lies have killed more men in a day than i have in a lifetime. --CSM--


It's not a shadow of the X-Files. The Lone Gunmen shine on by themselves. It's not supposed to be serious like the X-Files most often was, it was supposed to be funny, and zaney, with just a few serious notes to keep the show going. I personally didn't like the pilot htat much the first time I saw it, just because I thought it was too much like the X-files. But then when they got into the swing of things, and they emereged in their own comedic ways, the show really took off.

This was much more then a mediocre show! If people wouldn't compare it to the X-files and let it stand by itself they'd totally see it's potential.

*Bean Girl: Kim Tomei*

Smile make people wonder what you're up to!!



You people need to stop picking on "The Lone Gunmen"! ALRIGHT!!



thank you jowba! Kudos!

*Bean Girl: Kim Tomei*

Smile make people wonder what you're up to!!


I think it was a good though maybe poorly executed show. I liked the pilot a lot and the first couple of episodes and the last few were good but there was a bunch of crap in the middle. Unlike Jimmy Bond I didn't need every little thing explained to me, I wanted a show about the three main characters.


The Lone Gunmen was really a light hearted foil to other 1013 shows. Millennium was the darkest and the X-files is more a center point of the two. Appreciate the show for what it is god dammit. If you are looking for some ridiculously over-edgy drama, you bought the wrong DVD. The show was created to provide a slightly-dramatic-comedy for the popular Lone Gunmen characters from the X-files. And the reason it lasted as long as it did, was that the ratings equaled those of the early X-files. I cannot see why that isn't good enough for the ignorant philistines at the Fox "Network", but, hey look at Millennium, another fine show, with ratings, better than most programs of today. Thats the world for you.

"Take my Knife, please"



RE: Daniel - you say Scooby Doo like that's a bad thing?


Hi all,

I completely understood when I purchased TLG that it was meant to be lighthearted and fun. But to be honest, I have to say that I also found them to be mediocre.

I found the writing to be quite weak, and the humour was simply too predictable. I also found that some of the writing turned potentially funny characters into caricatures. I was actually quite surprised at the ratings it recieved.

Please understand that this is only my opinion, and I accept that others will not see it my way. I mean no offence to fans of TLG, and apologise in advance if I offended anyone.



"It's worse than that, he's dead Jim."


I freaking like you, Wayne.

p.s. it's life, Jim, but not as we know it.


The problem wasn't the fact that the show was a comedy. The problem with the show was that the Lone Gunmen were made out ot be total buffoons. They were nothing like they were on the X-Files. On the X-Files they were smart,technical, and resourceful. In their own show, on the other hand, they're shown to be stupid, blumbering children who needed the help of other people to figure out the most basic of things. That's what killed the show for me. These were'nt the same Lone Gunmen from the X-Files. These were lobotomized copies.


Flawless? No.
Entertaining? Yes.



So far I like the pilot most of all. Surely some of the "it's mediocre" guys can back me up when I say that in the pilot, it was clever, and the humor was funnier. It was more like a black comedy. If you could take the proper step back, its funniness and its drama both worked well and separated, all the while connected by their characters and plot.

However, later episodes feel too silly. They're fun, and that's all, folks. The pilot had a resonance and some good writing. The later stuff was fun in the moment but a bit cartoon-y and forgotten when the credits rolled.

I've only seen a handful. Hopefully there are more episodes like the pilot coming up?
