weird eh

The FOX TV series The Lone Gunmen (X-Files spin off) aired their opening episode "Pilot" six months before 9/11 which depicted a secret U.S. government agency behind a plot to crash a Boeing 727 into the WTC via remote control and blame it on foreign terrorists in the hopes of generating a bigger military budget.

got it off wikipedia


I haven't seen this show yet (I really want to) buy I like your way of thinking divfeeney. What scares me divfeeney is that I'm just now getting in to the X-Files and it creeps me out about all of the secreat ways that the goverment has to spy on us. And alot of those episodes where like years ago. So lord only knows what they have now. It's crazy. If you could hook me up with some good goverment conspericy sites, I'd apperiated.



Perhaps Osama was a fan of the show too.


Perhaps someone in the government was a fan?

After all, the Pilot portrays some faction in the government planning a terrorist attack so as to create an enemy that would push the weapons industry...

And the writers totally missed the oil twist...

Plus they knew nothing about the Northwoods documents...

Although I guess people in the government don't watch a lot of TV. They all claimed never to have thought of such a scenario. So I guess none of them ever saw the Lone Gunmen 6 months earlier...

Too bad... Whatever good guys are up there certainly could have used the advise.


Alex Jones Interviews X-Files/Lone Gunmen Star Dean Haglund

Lone Gunmen/X-Files actor, Dean Haglund, who played the role of Richard 'Ringo' Langly in both series was in Austin to interview Alex Jones for his new polemic documentary on the mindset of modern-day America. Dean kindly agreed to an on-camera interview himself.

Jones and Haglund talked about the Lone Gunmen episode that aired prior to September 11th in which an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control and targets the World Trade Center.

Haglund stated that after years of writing the X-files, the FBI and NASA would approach Chris Carter with plots for stories. He also discussed the fact that the CIA have since the 80's hired informants posting as psychics to attend Hollywood parties and report back the the CIA on general trends and talking points.

Watch a free clip of the interview.



I was watching Independence Day tonight. A kinda weird coincidence is the scene when Jeff Goldblum's character (David) gets whisked out of the White House with President and staffers and into the helocopter. As he sits down and looks at his computer to see how much more time they before the aliens attack, the camera zoomed in and the countdown read 9:11


..a nut in the making.


Yeah, crazy stuff. I think that is why the show got cancelled.

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.


Yup, 9/11 was inside-job to..

1. Kick-start World War III.
2. Raise price of oil.
3. Keep oil-sales in Dollars(not Euros).
4. Keep China from importing Iraq oil.
5. Get Arab Moslems to use interest.(for international banking)
6. Pass Patriot Act for Amercian police state.
7. Confiscate civilian weapons.
8. Traumatise the public/Emotional control/Denial and confusion.
9. Turn public anger into race war.
10. Crash the dollar.
11. Repeal American constitution.
12. Limit civilian understanding of world history.
13. Decrease world population through war.
14. Usher in world government.

How do you stop it?


I just watched the pilot episode and couldn't believe that it would air post-9/11, so I figured it must have played before it, came here to confirm...that's wild stuff. Anyway, interesting points rifblad, but remember, "they" call it World War IV ( That's a pdf file of Norman Podhoretz's article "World War IV: How it Started, what it means , and why we have to win" According to the neoconservatives, of whom Podhoretz was one of the leading intellectuals, the Cold War was world war III, and the new War on Terrorism is IV. Same *beep* different name, the reds wanted to get us, now its stateless terrorists, either way some are making big money and the American taxpayers are footing the bill.


Yes, they called World War 3, the cold-war, so the 'third-world' countries
in South-America wouldn't realize that they are being attacked by the Americans
and Russians, and so they wouldn't join together with possibly Africa against
the 'developed war'. The world war that's going on now, they're also calling
instead 'war on terror' to keep the poorer countries from forming alliances,
but this time, they won't be able to keep the 'third world' from teaming up
against them, and then it's going to get really ugly.

So, to prepare for such a terrible world war, check out:


Yeah. There's so much more re: 9/11 subliminals in films prior to 9/11.
Check out the phiasco photos page of vyzygoth at
The Lone gunmen, The Simpsons, Armageddon, Independence Day, the Patriot and even the Long Kiss Goodnight prove to me that people within the media establishment had prior knowledge about it.


How about these subliminals:
JOhn KErry(JOKE/fake opposition)
911 days between September 11 2001 - March 11 2004(Madrid bombing)
Should we be concerned that June 6th is 06/06/06,
and Sears Tower address is 60606

JEsus DIsciples(JEDI)


and in Independence day,someone says(a operator in the tv building, whil there's disturbance on the tv):" I love the x-files too!" so yes it's al conected!


The world needs more realists.


JErry's DIner
