Lone Gunmen: The Movie
This script scenario was secretly copied from a certain unnamed studio:
Movie Prologue:
Opening Narration: (Jimmy Bond/Tom Sneddon)
"Do you ever wonder about like how you got to where you are today? And how if you hadn't taken a certain road, or turned a certain corner, you never would have gotten there? Like if you hadn't dropped that penny, you might have been decapitated by that falling window pane? [reference to an X-Files episode] But...also, do you ever wish things were different? Sometimes what seems to be a failure isnt' always a failure, its just meant to be...Now, Agent Mulder would have talked about other dimensions and parallel universes, or something...and even Agent Scully in her term-paper at Quantico suggested that there may be possible other realities, only that if there were they'd probably never existed because one would push the other out of the way...but I'm getting ahead of myself...whew...so when you look back...and you see how things could have been, how they could have turned out, do you ever wonder sometimes if maybe...and I don't know which...life could have been better...or worse...?"
During this narration the following montage begins to apear, fading in and out...of what appears to be flashbacks of the Lone Gunmen...
...Kenneth Soona/Thinker goes into a store to buy a bag of Doritos...but doesn't come out...the man waiting ouside gets suspicious, a car rolls up with two men in it in the allley, the man looks over, shrugs and goes into the store, the store is empty....[reference to Anasazi]
...Kimmy walks out to the corner as a bus approaches and just as he's about to walk in front of it, Morris Fletcher stops him and says "Hey did you have a light?"...the bus passes and Kimmy survives...[reference to Three of a Kind]
...Frohike and Langly wearing his baseball hat, show up at Mulder's hospital bed, "Where's Byers?" "He's got the flu..." Skinner comes in...Mulder changes clothes with Langly...walks out with Ramones shirt on....[Reference to Fight the Future]
...Frohike is lowered into ECon-Com's computer room, and grabs the Octium chip...and Byers meets him at the top...they get the chip and run...[reference to Pilot Episode]
Background music intensifies...
...a man enters Byer's Dad's house...he notices the floor is wet...he doesn't slip...he shoots Byers' Dad...and kills him.
...The lone Gunmen attend the funeral of Byer's Dad...rocketing ashes and all...camera overhead crane of Byers...
...Music intensifies...
...Real footage from 9-11...two planes crash into the World Trade Center...
The Lone Gunmen watch the disaster on TV...Frohike lights up a Morley...
...Yves Adele Harlow approaches a man in a hotel suite with what looks like a pistol...the Lone Gunmen hit the wrong button on the elevator...after Yves Kills the man she discovers that he's the wrong guy...we next see Yves enter the Hotel conference room where the real killer is and she injects him with something and removes him...[reference to Jump the Shark]
Lone Gunmen Headline reads: "Conspiracy to Spread Deadly Virus Stopped by Mystery Woman"