The name 'FROHIKE'

Google this surname and every link has something to do with the Lone Gunmen or Melvin Frohike. Since Byers' name is linked with the assasination of John F. Kennedy, and Langley's name is based on Langley A.F.B. & the fact T.L.G. was filmed near there, what source was Melvin Frohike's name created from? Is it an anagram or an acronym? Is it a cryptic reference to something in one of the series' producer's lives? Since it does not seem to be a surname, anybody have an idea how it came to be?


I guess I'm going to have to backtrack on my previous post about the surname of
FROHIKE. It's a very uncommon name, but it did turn up as a Polish surname, so it is valid. However, my question still stands as to "Why Frohike?'


Well, that Frohike is a very uncommon man, wouldn't you say?


Actually the name Langley is a commonly used as a reference to C1A headquarters although it is actually located down the street in MrClean, VA.


I agree with you take on the named "Langley", obviously a CIA funny!


I think I heard somewhere that the guy who played Frohike was actually just a person who worked on the set of the x-files at first, and I think I recall them saying they called him that as a joke, but I could be wrong aobut that. Anyways, they used the joke name in the series because it fit him so well.

King Kong Ain't Got Sh*t On Me!


I heard that statement also. The producers were mulling over who to cast, and jokingly stated the character and portrayal called for someone sleazy and slimy - like Tom Braidwood(who was passing by them, and a member of the X-Files production crew, and a former actor). At first, they were just kidding, but when they thought it over, they decided he was just perfect for the role, and his previous acting experience helped in that decision. I don't remember them saying that the name FROHIKE was given then.
