Like Water for Octane

Did anyone else see that epsiode "Like water for octane" where the guys discovered the water powered car and ended up destroying it (making them heroes or something). Well I just wanted to ask you guys if you agree with what the women said. If you don't remember, she said a non pollutant, unlimited amount of clean energy would make the world a worst place because it would lead to twice as many cars being produced and more consumption. Do you agree? That epsiode always made me mad because I think they should have kept the water powered car and changed the world.

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.


I agree w/ what the women said. instead of 20 million cars on the road there would be 40 million. The roads are congested enough with the cars now, but if we had water powered cars, that congestion would be doubled. And there would be more roads laid down so that people could go places. Think of all the roads taht are laid down now. We wouldn't have any planet left to conserve cuz there'd be roads everywhere.

I totally agree that they were heroes, because a hero knows when to step down and not change the world.

*Bean Girl: Kim Tomei*

Smile make people wonder what you're up to!!


Yeah but all you have to do is make laws to preserve the little world that we have left right now. Dont allow more expansion. I guess it would be hard to control in other countries though. Oh well, your probably right.

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.


I was more curious as to why they didn't transplant the components into their van. Then Langley wouldn't have to siphon gas from other cars every time they needed a fill-up.

Of course, that would have limited the show's opportunities for hilarious fake vomit.


That is true doublezero. They could have saved hell of money also.

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.



Personally I suspect Langly of having major investments in petroleum companies. That, or maybe some of W's Arab friends bought out Byers. Besides, if they let the water-powered car loose on the world, thus changing it forever into a pollution-free, egalitarian, abundant society, what would three conspiracy-theory buffs have left? I think they destroyed it for the sake of job security....


LOL. Never looked at it like that.

Hey you know whats funny. I always thought that eggs. And I learned something today.


I loved this episode. I had never thought about that idea before, but it does make sense.

