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This Friday on The Lone Gunmen EP 2 : Bond, Jimmy Bond

Original Air Date 11/Mar/01

A million-dollar check from a possible drug deal leads the Gunmen to a charity organization run by a CEO named Bond. There the Gunmen find the fourth member of the Lone Gunmen team and together they work to find out what's really going on when Langly is kidnapped.

Alexander Kalugin Russian Guy
Demord Dann Team Medic
Shawn Stewart Linebacker
Edward Hart Alex Goldsmith
Christina Jastrzembska Mrs. Goldsmith
Hiro Kanagawa Businessman
Kevan Ohtsji Toshiro
Oleg Palme Feoktistov Valet


OK, I guess I get to be first. ;)

This episode is best remembered for the introduction of Jimmy Bond, a handsome half-wit who becomes the fourth member of the Lone Gunmen team. It's a necessary addition so that the three smarty-pants guys will have someone to explain stuff to - plus, he'll have the money (presumably through the crooked charity) to fund their efforts.

As with last episode and the Octium chip, the boys commit a crime in the opening moments (this time, kidnapping) and seem to suffer no legal ramifications. Is the idea that no one presses charges because then their "secrets" would become known? That seems pretty flimsy to me.

The writers really amped up the humor in this one: kung fu parody, the blind football team, Langley puking into the golf bag and then trying to clean it, the van rolling behind the boys at the finale.

Yves lends a hand but for her own purposes - a trend that I believe continues in later episodes. Best line: "Conspiracy theories and masturbation - I always suspected there was a link."


Lone Gunmen

Had to watch this one twice the first time I wasn't really paying enough attention. It looks like they are developing a dark comedy. The Kung Fu scene at the beginning was kind of neat, the kidnapping part was a stretch for me all that effort for an article in their newspaper. Not really sure what they were trying to expose. Was it illegal whaling or something like that? The Tiger Woods part was interesting to hear him referenced was kinda neat with all the coverage of him in the present. My favorite part was with the blind football team what a novel idea. Look out NFL here they come. Eve stealing the money at the end seemed to far stretched for me I wouldn't think it would be that easy to get away with fifty million dollars but what do I know. At least they made up for the golf bag debacle by giving the nice old lady the million dollar check. This one's not as good as the pilot the story was slow to me but their comedy parts made up for the slow story line.

Giving this one a five on the Gmen Scale.


Wow I'm starting to like this show. I thought this epp was as good as the first. I find the humor pretty good. Loved the blind football team, talk about politically incorrect. You know they got tons of letters over that. I think the addition of Captain Awesome (chuck reference) will be a good one. The opening sequence with the kung fu was a little over the top but what isn't. Langly is both funny and very annoying. He's like a car wreck, I don't want to watch but I can't look away. There was a time tunnel moment when TLG are sitting in their beat up VW van and then follow bond to his headquarters and basically park right behind him in the drive way get out (3 of them mind you) and somehow he never notices this 40 year old car and 3 people that followed him.
All in All a nice episode...I give it another 7 on the TLG scale.


The intro was different, Enter the Nerd. The scene quickly went from Hidden Dragon to Buster Keaton. Fun way to start off adventure 2 in Lone Gunmen land. I noticed Vince Gilligan’s name in the opening credits, if this is half as good as his “Breaking Bad” we’re in for a good ride. Nice tie up of last week’s episode with a line or two about the return of the Octium chip. That might explain why the boys weren’t hauled off to the hoosegow last week; Eve was using the Octium chip as a bargaining chip to keep things quiet.

The Peter Gunn exit to a VeeDub microbus sans gas was a nice touch too, didn’t see that one coming at all. The music was used nicely in another scene or two also.

Expected some villainous Dr. No type plot with mind control devices, and got surprised for a second time in the same episode. A blind football team. The naïve Jimmy Bond character was played to a “T”, a true believer if ever there was one, the penultimate front man for any organization up to no good.

A little more hacking made exciting, thankfully with quick cuts to keep it interesting. Nice laugh too when Frohicke answers the phone on the football field. I didn’t know what to make of Eve, but she seems to be one of the good guys, with a soft spot for the ubber nerds.

Jimmy Bond doesn’t seem to be the brightest bulb in the box, but I like his childlike outlook on things. The Bond character makes for a nice contrast all the cynical characters we’ve encountered so far. This episode had more of a realistic plot, stealing the millions via hacking to kill off opponents in what must be some civil war torn ex Soviet protectorate. A kiss from Eve and we know she’ll be vanishing into the night with the “spoils” and the boys will be left to their own devices.

This episode also certified the guys as true believers, as if there was any doubt at this point. It looks like it might be the Lone Gunmen plus one from now on.

I give this one an 8 on the Lone Gunmen scale.

"if it was any good they'd have made an American version by now." Hank Hill


I'm sorry but I was traveling last weekend. Just got a chance to watch this weeks episode.
The Kung Fu scenes were a little over the top. Interesting, but kind of whack.
Enter Jimmy Bond and the blind football team. Also interesting....
I have some mixed emotions about this one. It kept my interest for the most part but I thought that the story line was too "silly".
I'll give it a 5 and hope that this week can pick it up a little.
