This Friday on The Lone Gunmen EP 13:The Cap'n Toby Show
** Looks like last weeks 2 parter was concluded on the x-files listed as Jump the Shark. epp 14 on my list**
Aired: 6/1/2001
When two stagehands of the 'Cap'n Toby Show' die on the same day, the Gunmen investigate only to discover the men were FBI agents working in a Chinese intelligence unit. Then the Gunmen find out that kid's show host Cap'n Toby is accused of being a spy, can they clear his name in time?
Michael Eklund weiner man
Tom Poston Cap'n Toby/Fred Tabalowski
Cyia Batten Agent Blythe
Ben Bass John Gillnitz
Douglas Newell Wayne the Puppeteer
Jasmin Dring Captain Toby's Wife
Brian Drummond Lead Agent
Eric Pospisil Young Richard 'Ringo' Langly
Norma Wick Reporter (as Norma Jean Wick)
Darryl Scheelar First Man
Clayton Watmough Second Man
Rekha Sharma First EMT
Zahf Hajee Reporter #2
Jodelle Ferland Mary the Little Girl