MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > This Friday on The Lone Gunmen EP 7: Pl...

This Friday on The Lone Gunmen EP 7: Planet of the Frohikes

Original Air Date :06/Apr/01

The Lone Gunmen receive an email from a monkey that has been subjected to secret government tests. The gunmen are shocked to find out that their contact is in fact a genetically altered, super monkey, who requires their help.

Edward Woodward Himself (voice performing excerpt of 'Hamlet' by Shakespeare and sampled voice of Peanuts the Chimp
Leland Crooke Dr. Hasslip
Peter Bryant Sergeant (Lead MP)
Bruno Verdoni Pierre
Forbes Angus French Trade Minister
Marco Roy Reporter
Kwesi Ameyaw 2nd MP


Seven episodes in and some cracks are starting to show. The monkey thing, though watchable was a little to much over the top. I'm starting to think that the x-files people were using this show as sort of a release to all the dark serious stuff they ware doing on the x-files, it's sort of an anti x-files in a bizzaro world kind of way.
I thought the episode was cute but found the scenes with the military a bit cartoonish any good military would have just killed our heroes. I am also growing a little tired of the gunmen supposedly being brilliant but always end up seeming so buffoonish. there was some funny things, i thought the asslips was good. I don't know i can't put my finger on it but there is something about this show that just isn't quite right. I've enjoyed every episode but there is something....
Oh well all in all it was a good show and I will give it a 6 on the TLG scale.


I liked a lot of things about this episode. One, they acknowledge the "formula" that some people have complained about here - Yves tricks the Gunmen into doing her dirty work for her - and flips it on its head by getting Yves involved in what they are doing.

Two, I love that Jimmy is the one smart enough to work it all out. I have to admit that the monkey-swap plot left me confused. So Peanuts got to the zoo ahead of everyone else, the Gunmen kidnapped him and thought he was Bobo, then he got swapped out for the real Bobo back at the zoo. Right?

Finally, Edward Woodward as the "voice" of the chimp is very cool - but I've always liked him.

I definitely admit that this is another case where the Gunmen should be sent up the river for a long time. Breaking into a top-secret government lab, tackling a French diplomat, messing with animals in the national zoo - any of these would get a hefty sentence. I wonder if the authorities had time to run Yves' ID/fingerprints, and what they found.

I didn't think it was awful. You're right that the writers were putting their goofier ideas here rather than "The X-Files," but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. However, I will say that this is the first episode I don't recall seeing the first time around ... so maybe I gave up after the midget wrestler/VR episode last time!


Please accept my apology for being so late never had time yesterday. Did I miss something were the chimps simply going to school or did they alter them somehow? If they explained it I missed it. Did Peanut really pay attention that well in school the instructor seemed to be teaching pre-school stuff but Peanut seemed to be college educated? I was impressed that they would at least sit in the chairs I would of thought it would have been chaos in the classroom.

Do we think that Peanuts offspring were related to Cornelius from the Planet of the Apes? I was left confused at the end when they were at the zoo not really sure what happened there. But I didn’t really want to watch it again once was enough for me.

Started to see why the show was cancelled. (Four)

Promise to do better next week


Hugh never really thought about your right, those monkeys sat awfully good in the school room. One might think chaos would ensue with that many primates sitting around typing on machines, you might even think the poo would be flying.
The whole Zoo thing basicaly boils down to the Monkey AKA Peanut wanted some nookie. Plane and sweet. Our heroes were enlisted as monkey pimps, all the run around the arrest the dealings with the military were all because of monkey love.


Well I'm so late that I wasn't sure if I should post anything.
I was traveling this week and work has been consuming.

The story was interesting but the fact that Hasslip didn't recognize Peanuts vs. the replacement was just ridiculous.
It could have been a good story but the writers didn't know how to end it. Maybe they had a bunch of ideas on xfiles that they thought they could dump on the gunmen and get away with it.

I give it a 4. Amusing but not well thought out.


Why is this called Planet of the Frohikes!, Forhike's appearance is as normal in this episode than any other, bad title..
