MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > Truth, Justice and the Canadian Way

Truth, Justice and the Canadian Way

I only just found out that all three Gunmen are played by Canadians (I'm Scottish, so it's hard for me to tell the difference between Canadians and Americans). I thought this was humorous as it kinda throws a blanket on their whole "Truth, Justice and the American Way" stuff.

I'm not complaining or anything, I think it was a fantastic show, but I thought I should point it out. Tee hee.


"I'm Scottish, so it's hard for me to tell the difference between Canadians and Americans"

Sort of like how there's no real difference between Scottish and English,right? ;-)

Trust me.Just as your country is quite different than your neighbour,Canada is quite different than the US.

The show was filmed partly in Vancouver British Columbia(to keep it on topic).


I worked on X Files back in 1997. The actor who plays Frohike was also the 1st AD (assistant director), so it was kinda weird, but not.
Anyway yeah, all Canadian, as were most of the supporting players, all Vancouver actors. You end up seeing alot of them on other Vancouver productions like Davinci's Inquest.


I worked on X Files back in 1997. The actor who plays Frohike was also the 1st AD (assistant director), so it was kinda weird, but not.

How tall is Tom Braidwood?


That's interesting. I'm Canadian myself and can't always instantly recognize an American accent when I hear it, meaning the difference with my own. However, I have been to Scotland twice for longer periods and gained the impression that very many Scottish people knew instantly that I was Canadian and not American as soon as I spoke a few words. I attribute this to the fact that seemingly every Scot has at least one, uncle, cousin, aunt, etc. in Canada.

It is probably mentioned elsewhere, but the first six seasons of the X-Files were filmed in my hometown Vancouver. The exterior of Mulder's house was just a couple of houses down from a girlfriend. Anyway, many of the supporting roles are played by Canadians. The Cigarette Smoking Man, for example, is also Canadian and runs an acting school in Vancouver.

Many TV shows are filmed in Vancouver in the meantime, so a lot of local talent in every field gets used. I used to love some of the sly references to Canada in "The Simpsons", haalso having heard that many of the writers for that show were in fact Canadian.


I thought that is fascinating too. I'm American and have an extremely hard time distinguishing Canadians fron American in terms of accents, but can tell the difference in other ways.


Canadians have flappy heads, and tend to be friendlier than Americans.


Most Americans are friendly.

It's just that other countries tend to meet rich Americans and they're the ones who tend to be an embarassment to our country by being made stupid by their money.


It's aboot the vowels.
