MovieChat Forums > Waking Life (2002) Discussion > Flow My Tears the policeman said

Flow My Tears the policeman said

Can anyone verify the claim mentioned by the cartoonized Linklater in the movie, that PK Dick met a woman with the same name as the character in his novel with a boyfriend of the same name, etc? I know the second part is _partly_ true, the account I read in which a episcopal priest said that one incident in his book reminded him of one incident in the Book of Acts, the part about him meeting a black man and then going back. PK Dick's repetition of that part of the story could have of course been an unconscious acting out of that scene in his own life. This is a long way from the idea that his book was basically a rewriting the Book of Acts.

But what I'm looking for is some confirmation about the party four years later and the story of the women he met there -- did PK Dick really talk about this somewhere? If so, what were the names of the women, her boyfriend, and the police chief? I haven't read the book yet.


"I don't deduce, I observe."
