MovieChat Forums > Waking Life (2002) Discussion > Anyone else mostly dream about problems?

Anyone else mostly dream about problems?

Lately I just tend to dream about real life issues, whether it's some anxiety about work or relationships etc. I wake up and I immediately know why I had the dream.


I seem to be stuck in the past in my dreams.
I meet past aquaintances, school-mates, work colleagues. All from the past and all scrambled.

I can meet more than one at a time even though they aren't from the same time period in real life. And it always seem to be on the go.
In a moving car that goes off a bridge (couple nights ago), out on the street in front of a shop, in malls etc.

I don't like having these dreams, because I don't have any interest in these people. I love my growing up period, I have many fond memories from growing up to become an adult, but I don't like interacting with PEOPLE from my past.
It's because I'm not sure who I am yet.


Most of my dreams are in the past. I dream of my late parents, being back in high school playing football, being back in college, back in basic training or back at work. I retired in 2006.

I also dream about tornadoes. I'm fascinated by them and am going on a 10 day storm chasing trip in a week. I hope to see Dorothy and Toto.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.



How was the storm chasing?

In another life, that would be my ideal profession ⚡

I also love tornadoes ~ they are one of my favorite natural events ~

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"
