Whether there's any truth to Bobby raping Ali or not, Donnie truly believed that this man raped his girlfriend. I'm not saying that's an excuse for murder but I'm pretty sure he's not the only bloke who would avenge the rape of his girlfriend. He deserved to go to prison without a doubt. But I wouldn't say life. Plus there was obviously something wrong with this kid....shouldn't the court have got him psychiatric help?
He might have initiated the attack, but he barely scratched Bobby , he was so incompetent as well as almost certainly flinching and hesitant in his actual attack. Of course, naturally , in law, he was right in there on it.
As for Heather, I know most killers and skels have a childhood hard-luck story, but you need to read hers in particular, what her childhood had consisted of , to actually believe it. Heather actually was a victim as well.She helped pay for Bobby, but where was her justice for the past?
Yeah, Puccio was originally sentenced CP, and at least three of the others inc Lisa Connelly were potentially in line for a CP sentence.
How often Florida carries them out, I don't know...I must catch up with where they are at on Kevin Foster of 'Lords of Chaos" Fort Myers notoriety..another major psycho Florida youth...although of Texan origin, I seem to recall.
Everybody except Puccio,Semenec, and Kaufmann are out, last I looked, which was maybe 3 months back..
which of those would be first in line for possible release, you would imagine Semenec, if anybody..when he states in the movie that his wound inflicted on Kent was superficial, he is correct...but it is possible that if he had never struck the first blow, that Puccio would not have found his balls and flown into an apparent frenzy...
yep, sufficiently satisfied...it all adds up. Have read the book , everyone who reads that has a HUGELY different impression than those who only see movie.