One scene blurs into another of trashy kids sleeping around, getting high, beating each other and then casually discussing killing one of their own, all presumably right under their parents' noses. What the hell?? What is WRONG with this director? His creep need to shoot young people unclothed from every angle is only superseded by the filthy, pointless ugly male whores getting it on every random once in a while. This preoccupation with the ultimate level of junky filming overtakes any building of character, only lending to the bizarre setting: two girls, Lisa and Ali, meet two guys and boom, that very night they have sex with them less than a foot from each other in their car. Then later on Lisa, who fell in love with Marty in less than 24 hours decides to re-introduce Ali to Bobby, as though she hadn't already had fellatio with him in his car right in front of Lisa and Marty. Why?? Why would she even be interested in getting Ali with Bobby? Nothing makes any freaking sense, and this seedy foggy world is supposed to be a real portrayal of senior teens?
you know this movie is based closely on a book which is a crime non-fiction, right?
Why would she even be interested in getting Ali with Bobby?
Because chicks who are seeing guys often try to hook the guys buddy up with their buddy, don't they?Bear in mind, the gals did not know what a fkd-up psycho pig Bobby was did not take long to figure out, but it was not instant. These guys were either good looking or well-muscled, maybe both,that's why Marty was a minor hit dancing at local gay bars, the girls saw them working in a Publix deli, thought they were hot, it was on.
Also, maybe, if Ali has her hands full with Bobby, maybe she won't cut in on Marty.. Yes, Lisa falls fast and hard for Marty..Lisa is frumpish and plainish, Marty is a guy normally at least a couple of rungs out of her league. Yes, she grabs on, and is determined to hold on.What's unusual about that?
Who the fcku knows, it's about how it happened as told in book, and although it is a grubby story, why is that hard to believe, these days? Do you have some kind of Brady Bunch perception of modern lost wayward youth?
Read the explains more, books always do. Is it an uplifting book, no, if you need that, maybe move n from the whole story in print and film.
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This is what you consider the norm of teen films and portrayal? Don't give me some Brady Bunch nonsense, this is pure and simple bad directing, bad filming, poor character development and senseless smut. As for the real life account, they didn't even bother making Bobby the right ethnicity. People were rightly criticizing that ridiculously exaggerated book, saying it detracted from the facts, that Marty was not even Lisa's first boyfriend and she'd been pregnant before, and the book even said poor pathetic Ali was 14, while in the film she was said to have kids!
"Because chicks who are seeing guys often try to hook the guys buddy up with their buddy, don't they?"
They had ALREADY hooked up in that car at the beginning and Lisa KNEW he was a jerk, then the dumb twit had the gall to say, "Make up your mind, I thought you LIKED kink" to her friend who just got raped! Chock full of dumb and useless characters, and I don't believe "these days" most teens make it an effort to be complete sloppy sluts on top of acting like useless human beings the way these weirdos did.
This is what you consider the norm of teen films and portrayal?
THE norm? no, there would not be a THE norm...certainly A norm or common possibility...if not, what is your picture of THE norm?
I don't have any trouble picturing a peer group/clique like this, running on this fact, many of them.All over.No difficulty in sunny tropical tourist strips like that in Fort Lauderdale, I've been there twice, and I've grown up in comparable places in another country.
Chock full of dumb and useless characters, a
right...we already covered all that.Their decisions and choices are poor.
that's why they drive around crammed into a car where the driver and everyone else is under influence of meth/pot/LSD..that's why they not only decide to murder one member of the clique,(who admittedly is no loss himself to humanity anyway) they do it in a fkd up way which makes their being apprehended quite likely, then they remove any doubt by going around almost casually telling other people they know about it. That's why they never have anything better to do than take dope, beat-up their mom's cars, have sex and maybe make babies with other complete retarded deadbeat aholes.. when they are tired from all that, they go to the beach to relax, and get drunk and high and have sex there.. That's why they talk 'hood black, even though they are all white. That's why two members of the group's bar of great distinguished achievement is 'babifying" his opponent in arcade video mortal-combat game.
they are (from among the rank&file of) today's Western teenagers. Maybe it's one reason why the Chinese and others are kicking our asses. I'm sorry...welcome to one window with a view to reality.
What is it that you rely deny, or want explained? If a group of stupid-assed lost teens are narrated shown doing stupid assed futile destructive things, you either want those actions justified in logical terms, or else you think it did not happen or has no point story being told? I don't get it.This is almost like you are taking it personally, on you or your children. I'm sure you and yours do not resemble any of this.
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The average teens don't have the combination of being former hookers, HS dropouts, druggies and smut filmmakers. And with parents in the picture to boot.
"What is it that you rely deny, or want explained? If a group of stupid-assed lost teens are narrated shown doing stupid assed futile destructive things, you either want those actions justified in logical terms, or else you think it did not happen or has no point story being told?"
Well, I'd like to know why this garbage director felt the need to film young people unclothed at every opportunity and from virtually every angle, why he skipped any real character development, why he made it as gross as possible. A few of these can be explained by the ugly and equally pointless book, with the same pitiful teens who, by your description, are even more stupid and brain dead than I imagined. They ALL have families, yet nothing better to do then literally waste themselves without any of their parents taking notice. And no, I'm positive it didn't happen as it was portrayed here, bc people reviewing the book even said as much. Meanwhile, there's nothing appealing in this offensive portrayal, no real reason to care about these morons, and their sensationalized non-lifestyles are indeed offensive to not only real teens, but parents of teens.
Movies made from books quite typically lack much character development, we are introduced to this bunch of morons by being akin to beamed into back seat of Ali's 5.0 a they ride along...what we see is what we get.
To develop a movie to same extent even as the book it is based on, you know, book is about 240 long would you need.
the nudity means nothing to me, no comment, neither of the two girls is attractive enough to me to get turned on by them nude or clothed.Lots of movies feature nudity, if a lot is gratuitous, well, that argument rages all over.
the male nudity, I think, is a vehicle for some brief insight into the role of sexual perversion in the Kent/Puccio friendship, and then it's role in the altercation with Ali Willis, which was one of, not all of, the drivers for what happened. the reason for doing it, is we had a fairly unusual teen murder here.You point out that they are middle-class, right, no doubt a lot of the reason for writing a book, then making a movie of it. If it was a drive-by in the 'hood, poor blacks, pfft, same old same old every day in the hood. You say they all have apparently solid middle-class parents and homes.Maybe, mostly, the victim was actually an immigrant for what is worth, and Heather Swallers is the exception, she is from a horrific and piteous home background.
You honestly cannot conceive of a group of teens wasting themselves, and their parents at a loss what to do about it? I'd have thought it one of the most common stories out there. If these reviwers say it did not happen like this, and the movie is a reasonable telling of Schutzes book imo as I recall it, then how do they say it did happen??? I'm not aware of anybody except people like Willis and Connolly themselves, who claim it was a misrepresentation of what happened, and their role in it. They would say that, wouldn't they? They themselves have contradicted known facts and common sense and logic, in their denials. They make claims such as there never being any intent to actually kill Kent...deny ever participating in a conspiracy where Kent would actually be killed.That so far as they knew, Kent was simply to be beaten up.
If so, why bring in outsider Derek Kaufmann, in his role in the plot ? Kaufmann was sought out and included specifically because he was believed (wrongly, but a belief encouraged by himself) that he was an experienced killer with mob affiliations).
Nothing appealing? Well, there is nothing pretty or beautiful or noble in it.It is what it is. No reason to care about any of them? With the exception of Heather Swallers,because of her sad and horrific childhood, maybe kind of in some ways Puccio, who although participating in some vile activities with Kent, never seemed as bad as Kent, so he flushes his life down toilet with a life sentence getting rid of Kent when there were surely other options to be tried...
You're up in arms about it which I still don't fully get. You point out two factual things, that most are from middle-class families, if not particularly actual exemplary ones...and, this kid Kent got butchered one night by them operating in a pack. Those are the known facts, if you say it cannot happen that do you picture it happening? What do you think is missing or misrepresented...or what, you just don't accept that middle-class white kids can act as a lost mindless trash in this way? I don't know what to tell you, maybe we are just more /less pessimistic about the social health of our societies than each other.I think we are in pretty bad shape, and kids like these are not that hard to find. Anyway, they made the movie and wrote the book, because a bunch of crazy white teens set one of their friends up to be offed one night. I'm sure it made the national newspapers, not just the local ones. They're there, a group of seven was it, all up, not including victim, he's dead, and actual blows were struck by three of the group. They are what they are, and he's dead in the way and location that he is dead.
"book is about 240 long would you need"
Nothing would save these characters, so I guess it doesn't matter.
"You honestly cannot conceive of a group of teens wasting themselves, and their parents at a loss what to do about it? I'd have thought it one of the most common stories out there."
Their parents are not at a loss, they're COMPLETELY unaware of everything. A group of teens really badly off generally have only one parent, or no parents, or are homeless; at least half of these kids have either one seemingly caring parent or both parents home and LIVE at home, and again their lifestyles collectively are way beyond the scope of normal teen problems.
"If these reviwers say it did not happen like this, and the movie is a reasonable telling of Schutzes book imo as I recall it, then how do they say it did happen???"
I gave you a couple of examples, I'd check out the reviews and comments for more.
"I'm not aware of anybody except people like Willis and Connolly themselves, who claim it was a misrepresentation of what happened, and their role in it. They would say that, wouldn't they?"
I have no clue what they'd do and don't care much, I just know that lousy and exploitative "true crime" books are written all the time and sadly people eat them up.
"You're up in arms about it which I still don't fully get."
I've explained everything more than once: unrealistic, trashy, disgusting, stupid characters, and even inaccurate. You can agree or not, but my reasons are clear.
A group of teens really badly off generally have only one parent, or no parents, or are homeless; at least half of these kids have either one seemingly caring parent or both parents home and LIVE at home, and again their lifestyles collectively are way beyond the scope of normal teen problems.
maybe once...but apparently not any more.
I grew up in an environment where almost everyone else had fairly normal, fairly upstanding and well-off/prosperous families/parents. I was the stand-out with neither. Or , in a big school 1000+, if I was not the only one from a broken background, there were not many of us.
Were many of the kids from the nice homes and stuff, like this bunch? no, not as I remember it..a few clearly had their own kinds of demons on their backs, but, no, there was nothing much like this in the first-layer at least, of my peer group.
But, if the movie portrays a situation where all that has changed...I do not find it that hard to countenance. I think maybe shyt has changed. Our societies, very often our youth, are in trouble. reply share
A pedo is not always exclusively sexually attracted to young kids you know. I think people get hung up over nudity a bit too much, although it's used way too much IMO.
This film is no unrealistic. White 1st world problems. Oh Bobby's dad is slightly overbearing so it turns him into a gay psychopath. The girls are complete sluts for apparently no reason. I've known girls who sleep around and even they have some standards but these girls don't. Then the guy Surfer guy has someone physically weaker then him 'bullying' him. Are you serious? Awwww poor white people..