Why didn't they just break off the friendship with Bobby Kent??
For anyone who still hasn't seen this film, i must warn you that there are a few disturbing scenes.
Okay so this is based on a true story set in a small town in Florida or wherever it was, now why didn't the people in real life and in the movie break off the friendship with Bobby Kent??? Why kill him?? If they were scared to break off the friendship to his face, then they could have said it to him over the phone, what could he have done?? There were more of them and there was only one of him, if they'd stick together he really wouldn't have been able to do anything to them.
On the other hand it looks like it was psychological, they were so intimidated by him that they thought killing him was their only way out, they obviously felt like they couldn't break off the friendship, that's still no excuse for murder.
The scene where they discussed ways to murder him would have been better if they'd have simply discussed ways to end the friendship with him, they could have actually all went to his house or something as a group and told him to his face that they want nothing more to do with him, what could he do?? They could have done that in real life as well, simply confront him and tell him to stay the hell away from them, and if they see him around town, so what?! They can live their lives and he could have lived his life, but they were so psychologically trapped by him that they resorted to murderous measures. They had no right to take his life just like he had no right to abuse them verbally and apparently sexually as well.
They should have talked to their parents about Bobby, and should have gone to the police and got a restraining order against him. Maybe revenge was their only motive for killing him, it was still wrong.