Eliza Dushku

I agree that this film was popcorn rubbish.I only watched it because the gorgeous Eliza Dushku was in it.I make this kind of judgement call too often really.Imagine if they made a film about four sisters and they were played by Eliza Dushku,Mila Kunis,Jessica Alba and Katie Holmes (you could throw in Rachel Leigh Cook for good measure).It wouldnt matter how bad the film was id watch it every day! Come to think of it thats pretty good casting.Has anyone got any influence around here?





I'd watch it and cringe because of the horror that Eliza would have to be submitted to.
Please, Katie Holmes? Jessica Alba? *Vomits* Neither of them can act to save their lives.
Put Eliza in a starring role again and leave all the can't-act-for-*beep*-bimbos on their shows like Charmed and Dawson's Creek.



Well that could be because I don't know who she is. Or care for that matter.
I'm not going to bother finding out either.



Ah, the one I like to refer to as "The Only One I Can Actually Look At Without Vomiting".

