MovieChat Forums > The New Guy (2002) Discussion > SO MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

SO MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

When Dizzy knocked Connor uncoscious and kept doing it for no reason alot of the people in the theatre laughed, but I didn't. I mean it was so mean and wrong for Dizzy to do that to the pretty boy. Not very nice. He could have hurt Connor and gave him a concussion.


........... I thought it was hillarious.......

<i>*blink blink*</i>

well the fact that he couldn't get anybody to show that he kicked some pretty boy's ass for like, 3 times?! is hillarious... and to think he's trying to hard.. anyway...

You really care about Connor dontcha? mwuahahaha... the actor who played him, reminds me of Jonathan Rhys-Meyers... is it just me or do they DO look alike?

