Pearl Harbor Joke

I missed this joke the first time I saw the movie. I just saw it again now.

It's the part where he's giving the speech to the football team.

Dizzy: Did we quit when Pearl Harbor was bombed?
Random Guy: I thought that movie made money?

Classic subtle humor.


Subtle humour? I hope you're joking...


That joke wasn't subtle, and also sucked.

Worst joke in the movie.


Why are you guys singling out one joke and saying it was bad? and how exactly was it bad when it was perfect timing and everything. The joke was to show how some of the student body wasn't so smart and it worked.


Funny, Im watching the movie as I write this and that joke passed about 10 minutes ago and it actually stood out to me. It felt really cheap and easy. I kinda cringed.


"That joke wasn't subtle, and also sucked."

Oops - you made a mistake. You meant to say.. That joke wasn't subtle, but it was funny... and also the movie Pearl Harbor sucked.

But there ya go, I fixed it for ya.


haha that joke always gets me by humor and surprise


not subtle at all

more like 'classic nervous actor delivers crap line humor'

it was only funny cause it was so bad


I loved the Pearl Harbor line.

Opeth, True Blood, and Avatar: The Last Airbender rule.


Great joke...showed how some people know nothing, and the funny part is the movie did bomb!
