MovieChat Forums > The New Guy (2002) Discussion > Does anyone here think being popular is ...

Does anyone here think being popular is overated

Just woundering because eveyone in middle school and high school and college wants to be popular even i do so do you think it's overated


Hell no! It's the most important thing in the world dude,


i think it's overrated.

Words only hurt if you try to read them. Don't play their games.


20 bucks says the popular guys pick on you! :P


be popular is s*ck

crap of sh*t ;)


Of course being popular sucks! that's what this movie made fun of.

"Are you gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"


Over here, popularity no longer exists.

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its the natural part of society
it shows order...where order really shouldnt be

This Aint No Fanboard!


Being popular isn't necessarily overrated. It isn't necessarily underrated just is what it is. Popularity is popular. I wasn't just unpopular in middle school...I was an outcast...a total reject. Then, in high school, I was actually popular (lost weight and changed school really DOES work). I can honestly say that being popular is SOOOOOOOO much better than being an outcast, but I guess it depends on what KIND of popular you are. I was popular just being myself (or at least the thinner version of myself), so popularity for me was awesome. I didn't have to pretend to be something I wasn't, and people liked me anyway (of course, there were people who just HATED me for reasons I couldn't even begin to explain since they were usually people I had never even met). But if popularity for you would mean having to pretend to be someone you're not, then I guess it might be overrated. I guess it really depends on what you're willing to give up.



i think being popular or like the other posters the quest for popularity is a waste of time. in school i wasn't popular, but i had a good circle of friends who unlike the so called popular gropup didn't need to to be something they wern't is someone is popular then good for them, but what i hate are people who are popular and hurt others who in there defination arn;t

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


In my later elementary school years, and during middle school, I wanted to be popular. I was always a loner, and I really wanted a good group of friends. In 8th grade though I finally realized that I didn't want to be popular, I didn't even LIKE popular people. I stopped judging myself and wishing I were like them and in realizing that I began to actually like myself.

Sorry if that sounded emo.

John: You're just a lonely old man from Liverpool.
Grandfather: But I'm clean.
John: Are you?


Sometimes, acting the way you think ppl want you to act will nip you in the butt

Treat each day as if it were the last day of your life. Please be a child sponser for World Vision.


Depends. If you become popular because of something you've done, like standing up for someone. Then hell yeah, that kind of popular is great.

But when you have to change who you are, to start wearing tons of make up or start to beat the sh!t out of nerds. If you have to change who you are then no, I'd never want to be popular like that. I have never been popular and I never will be, but I don't care. I'm just proud that I can stay myself and that some people respect that (of course a lot don't).

x-men 4 script:



I was a popular guy in a sense. I was well known by a lot of people. I was well respected by a lot. All because I was a really nice guy towards people. I associated with the popular crowd. As well as some people who were beneath them.

"It's like that, and that's the way it is"-Run DMC


It's true what they say about being yourself.

I am a self-professed computer geek, and spend most of my time on my computer looking up computer stuff, talking to people on MSN, looking up whatever I feel like, watching TV shows/movies, downloading stuff, or playing games; either by myself or with friends.

In highschool in grade 10 I finally decided to stop "trying" to be cool and realised that "cool"/popular is in the eye of the beholder. People at my school all thought I was a nice, nerdy kind of guy, and after I decided to be myself I managed to make friends with heaps of guys and girls from other schools who didn't just know me as the "loser" guy who the popular guys thought was a nothing at his highschool.

I managed to go out with the hottest chick in our highschool for about a year, then we broke up, I had another girlfriend from another school - who I ended up friends with, and after that I had another girlfriend, hotter than any girl at my highschool, who went to another highschool, and had a better relationship and more sex than any of the popular guys at my highschool.

Moral of the story: be yourself and if people don't like you that's their problem, you will do better than them, by being yourself.

Cool/Popular is determined by how much you are yourself.


Agreed - be yourself. Like yourself, and don't sell out.
I was a semi-loner most of my life. Always had friends, but was usually the popular person's best friend. When I was 30 I started swing dancing, became VERY popular, joined a hot touring band and had women constantly spending the night. It was great, every guy's dream... and lasted about 8 years before I started to get tired of it all.
Guys - if you want women to want to be around you, learn to dance - well. Personally, I can't dance unless I'm holding on to my partner, so it is couple dancing for me.
Nothing gets women friskier than someone playing music that makes them want to dance!
You still need the right personality and social skills, tho. But there's a group for every skill set! I was a big fish in a small pond, but at lest that pond had a few hundred people in it on the weekend.


...eveyone in middle school and high school and college wants to be popular even i do so do you think it's overated

In college?!? I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that, sorry.


Usually, being yourself is what gets you rejected in high school.


I certainly think being popular in high school and college is overrated. Then again, I don't like high degree attention and being in the spotlight. That to me seems like a discomforting and stressful zone to be in. I was never a popular student nor was I a nerd. I was just one of the standard that got along with everyone.


Based on all of the posts I've read so far, I can tell that the majority of you are high school age.

Once you reach adulthood your priorities WILL change. Rest assured.


From what I can tell, there appears to be 3 main types of people, each with many different kinds...

Popular: These people Generally have lots of 'friends' (most, if no all of whom, they barely know) and normally bully the other two kinds
Unpopular: my group These peopla generally have alot less friends, but actually know and like them. (un)Interesting fact: they nearely always outnumber the popular people, and generally all seem to know each other.
Social Outcast: These are the ones that everybody hates, often because of themselves, most of the ones in my schools actually pushed people away, then there where the nerds who were violent, and tried to kill people with there glasses...



But that doesn't work for everyone. Being 27 years old and far far away from junior high and high school, that was all everyone at La Mesa Middle and Helix High School (yes that is the high school Reggie Bush went to) cared about was fitting in and being popular. I then and to this day could give a damn about popularity. I like pop culture stuff (TV, movies, etc.) after they are popular and sometimes waaaaaaaaay after their popular such as Beverly Hills Cop movie series (hence my screen name),Miami Vice, The New Guy, etc.

Being popular worked for everyone else but not for me. I am ALLERGIC to being popular and fitting in. I love being different and being different and not wanting to be popular gives you a good idea how fake people really are. Because if your not doing the cool thing don't nobody give a damn about you.

Just like being Black (which I am), if you're not into Weed, being a player with multiple girls to screw, gangbanging, listening to rap music or R&B music ALL THE TIME, etc. then you will see how just how much Black will "really like you". Believe you me White people are not the only people on this earth who have a monoploy on being prjudice. Blacks can be prejudice or racists too, look at the Blood and Crip rivalry.

Popularity sucks, being yourself rules!


I never realized that being popular was important to anyone until I was 9 years out of high school and a girl at work brought up the subject. I thought that it was really narrow minded to think that way.... to classify being popular as something anyone strived for, and I took it as a disgustingly arrogant word. Guess you can label me in the unpopular group in high school. I was a little above average looking and a skinny nerd-type, but was one of the best cartoonists in school so I had a label for doing something well. In senior year I finally got out of the nerd groups, got out of the awkward stage, and hung around friends who were more fun and more mature. If anything I was more popular when I went out into the world and got jobs than at school. Chalk that up to serious bodybuilding (at a time when it wasn't as popular) and meeting more people. The guys look up to you and the girls flirt when they see big muscles. I never cared for popularity, I just wanted my friends to include me in fun activities and to amuse myself while riding the wave of adventure.


I will think long and hard about what you said about popularity being something so narrow minded to strive for. Because it is. In the real world like you touched upon later in your post, nobody gives a hot damn about how popular you were in high school or college its about production or you'll be homeless or starve.

Think the Rams will ever ome back to LA? I wish the Raiders did, I miss them so much. Raider fan for life!!!!!!!!!!!!


nobody gives a hot damn about how popular you were in high school or college its about production or you'll be homeless or starve.

That's a great way of putting it.

Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing the Rams move back. I'd like to see both Rams and Raiders get some top players and be winning franchises again.
