Is this worth watching?

Some years ago when I was interested in magic and such, this seemed like something I could get into but I watched it here and there and after the flying scene I stopped watching. But I didn't watch the entire first half of the movie up to that point.

My sister says it is something I might like. And this franchise is constantly talked about in a book series I read. I watched some of it today since Freeform is going the Harry Potter movie weekend but having to go to work kind of messed me up with watching the movies so I was going to rewatch the first one later.

I also tried going to the Wika for it and it seems to be a lot to know besides the class sorting.

So should I attempt to watch it again and what/how you would recommend this to someone who wanted to dive into this series?I'm not going to bother with the books. I just want to watch the first movie for now.


Yes, you should see the entire film, and yes, I'd recommend it to others, as I have. The book series is also quite good. (Yep, read that too!) 


I saw the first couple when they came out, and I'm watching philosopher's stone right now and I am appalled at the child acting. Apparently the books are fantastic, but I've just tuned in to a couple of scenes and it's dire.


Yes its so worth watching, this is were we see the beginning of the whole series, plus I think this is the best HP movie, as its when Harry learns who he really is and starts to live a real life. plus its the end of innocence so to speak.
