MovieChat Forums > Vanity Fair (2004) Discussion > The Marquess of Steyne

The Marquess of Steyne

I was confused by gabriel byrne's character, I havent read the book and that could be why, I thought when he commented how she was the daughter of the painter Frances Sharp, there was a pause and said "your the daughter...." like he couldn't believe it. The marquis character was always in and out of the scene in the movie and his focus on becky I just didn't get it :( .



It seemed like there was all this silent and "looks" going on whenever gabriel byrne would come on the screen, or when they would have scenes. I wasn't getting the innuendo. I should probably read the book thanks for responding.



The Marquess of Steyne comments that she is the daughter of the painter when he finally realizes who she is: in one of the first scenes in the movie, he was purchasing a painting for which the mother had posed and the father was going to sell it for four guineas. In a foreshadowing of Becky's ambition, although she didn't want to sell it at all, she named a very high price for it, thinking to deter the Marquess' purchase. He accepted it and paid the 10 guineas she had asked for, at which point, she stated that she had to let it go because it was too much money not to accept. She was a child then, no more than 10. So years later when they met again, he finally realized just who she was.


thanks Ya'll :)
