First of all, i would like to apologize in advance about my terrible english. Question: why is that women in the film (well not all of them ,but those in the parties) hated Becky??
george did not really love amelia but married her to spite his father. women hated becky because she was scheming and trying to 'climb the social ladder' and she was only a governess and much below the women who hated her.
George never loved Amelia, it is quite pitiful that Amelia could not see it. And they hated Becky not only because she had the fire to clib the 'social ladder', but also she was the better women, her personality, the attraction she created was something the other dumb women couldnt bare.
The original post perfectly illustrates what is wrong with condensing a huge book like Vanity Fair into a two hour film.
In the first place - the Becky in the book is nothing as nice as the Becky in the film.
She is a strong character in the book - but has many very nasty traits. She is completely selfish and two faced - but that doesn't come across in the film.
In the book - although Amelia isn't of great 'social standing' - she is generally liked and accepted by women (until they find that men are very sweeton her - then they are jealous...)
I think there's a lot of jealousy of Becky too. It's difficlut to show this in such a short film. Obviously Lord Steyne's wife won't like her as she realises her husban wants an affair with Becky - yet she is the kindest to Becky when she goes to visit.
George was a selfish, spoiled arrogant dandy int he book. He doesn't really love Amelia - and his reconciliation with her in the book is not like the film either. I think he does realise his feelings for her on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo - but really it's too late by then.
As the other poster says - there are better versions. I loved the 1988 version in 16 half hour episodes.
You should read the book if possible - it's worth the effort. It's a wonderful depiction of English Society at this time.
I disliked this film the first time I saw it - and still don't really like it - BUT - I love the ending. That's the ending I wanted in the book.
Thanks aguabeya for posting those spoilers from the book. I haven't read the book but always felt something was missing in the movie. I really like Becky as a character but the movie just felt very uneven. All the characters react to Becky as if she was a really nasty person but the way she's played in this movie, I really thought she wasn't that bad. That adds to the confusion. It's a pretty good movie but the ending felt very sloppy. Looks like I'm going to have to find the BBC version.
If you're going to watch the BBC version (which you should!), be prepared to love Dobbin more than what is healthy. He's adorable beyond belief, and the actor who plays him is really great. (She said without any bias or Philip Glenister-love)
I never liked Dobbin. He is just like Amelia. He is in love with someone who doesn't or can't love them in return until it is to late. By the time Amelia loves Dobbin he only loves her for "old times sake" and there the passion is gone. He always botherd me by the way he butts into other peoples business. I would have respected Dobbin much better if he had moved on once Amelia made it clear she would love no one else but Georege.