good example of what movies are MISSING today
this movie is good storytelling, with great attention to detail, well written, well designed from a plotting standpoint to direct the viewer through a prescribed path toward a desired reaction.
it's clear to anyone with a brain that the era of good films is a thing of the past. yes you may have outliers today, on occasion, but largely the fare today is boring with very no craftsmanship inthe writing.
just caught a rewatch of Serendipity. am reeling from joy right now, from the wonderful mood swings and plot twists, culminating with that great final (satisfying) scene. i mark this movie as exceptional, noteworthy, well made.
thing is, this movie was "just an average" movie when it came out. there were dozens of enjoyable movies every single week back then. but now, by comparison to the crap getting made and released, Serendipity shines. SHINES.
my point isn't really about Serendipity. my point is 'oh my, how far we have fallen'
it saddens me. i miss the good old days of fine films being released every week. (or at the very minimum, competently made films, engaging films)
the young people today may not even be aware of the contrast i am talking about. they probably look at spiderman #24 as equal to the godfather.
i just SMH