Well, never saw it but I´m on way to pickup this on DVD (about 3 euros in ). For what I saw and read it looks very good, but I have a question. While Rudolf Martin looks perfect performing a dark and menacing Vlad Tepes, the historical portrait that we all know show us the real Dracula with a huge moustache ( like the excelent Gary Oldman ), does the actor spot that moustache or the makeup staff tried to give us a more sedutive but less gay ( a la Village People ) look? Not that it really matters but all portraits and physicall descriptions are very complete showing us how Vlad Tepes really looked like.


He never sports the trademark mustache, sadly, but the movie does leave out a lot of big years for Vlad.


There is no correct make up in this film whatsoever.

"Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression... is our lives!" - Tyler Durden.


Well, to be honest, I don't think Rudolf Martin looks like Vlad AT ALL! & I doubt he'd've looked like him with a moustache, his face is too feminine & his eyes are not dark enough to portray Vlad.
Horrible make-up job in this movie! They didn't even try to do it right...

"Why not hardcode the reaction parameters?" "Well, yeah, of course... It is possible."


what does looking like the real person have to do with anything? in many movies there are peole who look nothing like what the REAL person looks like take the Harry Potter movies Hermione was supposed to look like a dumb ugly girl but the directors made her pretty damn hot and smart. So the person playing the charater has nothing to do what the REAL person looks like.

I may be Damned, but you gave me Immortality.


Hermione is supposed to be smart. The books don't say she's ugly, only that she has frizzy hair. In fact, during the Yule Ball in the Goblet of Fire, Hermione is described as very pretty with her hair straight and sleek.


Thank you. My thoughts exactly, and personally I thought Emma Watson was the perfect choice to play Hermione.


It has to do with the feeling of reality you get watching the movie. I felt it pretty unreal & Vlad's looks had a lot to do with it! & of course, make-up could've made him more real, but they didn't even try. What I can conclude from this is that they DIDN'T CARE. Quite annoying! :-(

"Why not hardcode the reaction parameters?" "Well, yeah, of course... It is possible."


They made Vald better looking insted of being an ugly sob. It realy doesn't matter cuz Rudolph Martin did an awsome job plus he played Dracula in Buffy.


Well, for one thing Hermione is a fictional character and Vlad was real. In films of a historical nature protraying teh characters physical appearence is somewhat important. I bet you must like John Wayne's turn as Gengis Khan...actually, I take that back...Wayne looked and spoke more like Gengis Khan than this guy looked like Vlad.


hey, harry potter is fiction and vlad was a real person man! there are pictures with is face...
and rudolf martin is just bad playing vlad...
and i bought the dvd in too, lol, 3 euros was pretty cheap, hehe


I don't know... his facial/bone structure seemed very similar to the paintings of Vlad III. It's just a shame they decided not to give him his trademark moustache. It doesn't defeat the movie that they didn't, but it did admittedly seem the move to not have him have it was to make him more boyish and make the love story more acceptable to younger viewers and ladies and such.


I guess you really don't know! Vlad Tepes had a rather bony face, aquiline nose & no girly features whatsoever - with or without moustache! This actor playing Vlad is just too pretty to be Vlad, if you know what I mean. You don't have to make him ugly, just *masculine* would do. Like the true Vlad was! There are pictures of Vlad on the internet, have a look at them & tell me: was he UGLY??? I don't think so! He just didn't look like a girl, w t h! Since when does a non-feminine face make a man ugly?! & that's precisely the point, I would've liked to see a manly Vlad, like the real Vlad was, not just some pretty face made up to look a bit weird...

"Why not hardcode the reaction parameters?" "Well, yeah, of course... It is possible."


The real vlad was very good looking.He is a dream man to me.


