
There was only one thing I never understood about this film: what was it exactly that the Sultan wanted with Radu? Am I just blind by missing it, or was it a more subtle reason that I just didn't pick up?


He wanted Radu for BuFu, because consorting with women was against his religion.


That's what i thought, but wasn't sure. Thanks! :)


And in real life he nailed Radu...who apprrently did not mind the attention at all..


oh yes that was the implication I was picking up... Radu was a bit young, but you know how it is... I was wondering if maybe I was just making incorrect assumptions on the subject of Radu and the sultan, but my friend said he picked up the same.. umm.. subtle vibe. And then later in the movie adult Radu respond to Vlad's question "You have that much influence? Even as a boy?" with- "Especailly as a boy"


"When Radu had Bufu" sounds like a great song title!

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


Yeah: the Ottoman Empire employed an army of men known as the janissaries: which were actually Christian boys of conquered lands that were forced to convert to Islam and then trained as soldiers. Remember that the sultan's tribute always included young boys. I don't know about molestation, but it was almost certain that Radu was turned into a janissary: he was young and he could be manipulated easily.


Jannisaries were soldiers, not nobles. They were taken at an early age, forced to convert and had all their past beaten out of them and trained to be loyal to the sultan. They were used as a division in the army. That is what the the boys in a sultan's tribute were used for although Mehmed was somewhat known for his preference for young boys. Radu was a hostage which was completely different. They kept them in nice buildings, treated him fairly well and even gave them the same teacher as the sultan's son. Mehmed II was taught his lessons alongside Radu and Vlad. The movie got that wrong too, the sultan who Radu was, ah, intimate with was Mehmed II who was actually a year younger than Vlad and didn't become sultan for eight years. And the boy was apparently not forced but traded it for a position on the sultan's court at the age of twelve, five years after their capture. His young age did give them the opportunity to manipulate his ideas but it was done more subtly and not forced. Remember, he got the same treatment as Vlad who was only four years older (11 or 12) and Vlad was certainly not a friend of the Turks. Captives were basically political prisoners taken to ensure their relatives honesty. They were usually released when they reached adulthood or the relative had proven himself loyal. To have converted a noble into a jannisary would be the same as killing him and would be a major insult to the relative and could cost them their loyalty.


In actual history, important, noble, or influential people from different cultures were always assimilated into the Ottoman empire to influence or understand the people of that culture. This practice was done in many great empires such as the Romans and the Egyptians. Consorting with women was not against the Sultan's religion contrary to popular belief. Doing anything with just any women was. That's why he had a Harem in which only select and very healthy women who were worthy of the sultan were kept in great luxury. There were women who actually wanted to joint he Harem for its luxury but not everyone met the standards. It was like how some cultures saw their ruler as a grand mind worthy of only the finest things. So just any women was not even a question. Homosexuality was practiced by many rulers of different cultures such as the Greeks, Romans, the French and the British. But which ruler actually practiced them is a limited knowledge. Any sexual relation with Radu by the Sultan though is highly unlikely and was probably suggested in the movie for a dramatic effect.

As for Janissaries, they were taken as children. Some of them were actually given by their families to have a better life from the people of other cultures within the empire. The Janissaries were brought up to be strictly loyal and fierce warriors. They were trained by the best of Turkish Ghazis (elite Turkish warriors). Many of them were but not limited to Christian children taken from the Balkans. Othman's son, Orhan started the Janissary army. Janissaries were trained to be completely loyal to their Sultan, so Orhan had a standing, reliable, and fierce military force. In time, even other muslim and Turkish kids started to join. Not everyone made it in the training so the people who failed were either returned to their families or used for other duties in the palace (More like a 10 to 5 job). The Janissaries can be literally compared to the German SS or other elite and loyal divisions of the armies of other cultures.

Janissaries enjoyed a high standard of living. They influenced the succession of the Sultanate, they had political power, and several Grand Viziers were Janissaries. The luxury and influence of the Janissaries were so high at certain point in history that some of them even attempted to take over the empire from the Sultan himself. At this time or around the same time of
Janissaries I believe, another division called Bashi-Bazouks were formed.

There are tons of information in the libraries and online history sites, but hopefully I did my best describing them in such a short space. I wish someone did a historically accurate movie of Vlad's story with a high movie budget such as Dracula had. Even Dracula didn't have any good battle scenes. All we saw was just shadows of soldiers from the Ottoman army fighting with and getting impaled by Vlad who looked like little midgets in the movie for some reason. But until that time it seems, we'll just wait and see.


wouldn't be surprised i mean it was said that Lawerance of Arabia was raped & beaten by turkish soilders.


Hey. It happens. Not actually as uncommon as it sounds.
On another note... The age timeline in this film was fecked and we know it. It's not a documentary.


any of know when the movie the historian is releasing


There's a movie planned? news to me. That sounds... really cool, actually.
