OMG!!! I loved this!

How deprived am I to only just have discovered this brilliant movie?

If only it had a higher budget and more recognition.

Tell your friends about this film as it is just fantastic.

"I’m curious – after killin’ me what was it you plannin’ on doing next?"


This movie is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I couldn't appreciate PotC for its historical innacuracy, but I somehow love the hell out of this one.
If I could get it on DVD without having to camp out on eBay for a few months...

All it needed was a bigger budget and it could've been really cool. Interesting concept.


i found some copies you can buy but their used. it'll probably be $20 w/shipping and handling. The site is:


I adore this movie. It's so much a guilty pleasure and whenever I have a bad day, I love to watch this movie and just check out for a while.


Hey lotrgal55
Have u ever thought about recording the movie. I know its played on scifi channel a few times. You might have to check local listing for it.
