
I seen this movie twice but always seem to catch it on the second half. I always get confused with lidia, she acts a little looney and her face kinda scares me. At first i thought she was a vampire but now im all confused. Anyone care to explain????


This is the true story of Vlad Tepis. Well as true as a non-Romanian can tell.

Like so many Romanians, I am sick and tired of people taking a book that criticized British rule and Victorian morals and accepts it as a documentary. Want to know about vampires. Here is an excellent history

Romania is, off and on, building a DraculaLand, but like Disneyland those of us from Romania know vampires are no more real than Mickey Mouse. Most Romanians didn't even know about vampires being Romanian until 1989 when after we executed Nikolai and Elena, the tourists showed up looking for vampires.

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I remember seeing something on the history channel a while back about a woman leader (and her name escapes me right now) who was...well, crazy and would drink and bath in the blood of virgins because she thought it would make her forever youthful and beautiful. And she "helped" solidify the idea vampires. Maybe they'll show it again since it's getting closer to Halloween.


"...bath (sic) in the blood of virgins..."

That would be Elizabeth, Queen of the Magyars. She was Hungarian NOT Romanian.

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For some reason i dont think any of that answered nv523 questions.
I guess, the looneyness is just Vladimir's taste in women.
She is most deffinately not a vampire, this movie is based on one of the people that is responsible for the legend of dracula.

Oh and "InsectBoy", i am Hungarian and even i know, it's Vladimir TEPES not Vladimir TEPIS... if your Romanian, you would know that... no?

Lisa, the woman you are talking about, her name was actually Erzebet bathory [queen of the Magyars]
She wasnt "crazy", back then it was common for incest to occur in opulent families, so that they could keep the money and name in the family.
To do so, would just make your family more powerful.
But their children would end up slightly insane. In result she grew up in a family of devil worshippers and bisexuals, who would hold female orgies... she was particularly involved with her aunt.
The story of "Dracula" is a mix of Vladimir Tepes III [Vlad the Impaler] and Erzebet Bathory.
Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is about a man who feeds on blood for survival, whereas Vladimir tortured and impaled people for his amusement. Erzebet bathed in female virgin blood because she believed it would maintain her youth.

Also, Vladimir wasn't known for drinking the blood. Erzebet did. Read "Dracula was a woman" by Raymond T. McNally.

Hope that's enough information :]


His name was VLAD III DRACUL not Vladimir(thats a russian name)...Tepes was a named derived from the fact that he impaled his opponents,he wasnt insane or sadistic and the only thing that links him to the vampire dracula is Bram Stoker's book. He is regarded as a national fact we(im romanian) see him exactly the opposite of Dracula.


Actually, Vlad Dracul was the name of Vlad Tepes's FATHER. Vlad II became known as Vlad Dracul after entering the Order of the Dragon ("Dracul" meaning either 'dragon' or 'devil' in Romanian). Vlad Tepes, as his son, became known as Vlad Dracula or Draculea (or Draculya, Drakula, Drakulya, Drakulea, etc.) The suffix is important because it means "son of", signifying that this Vlad was the SON of Vlad Dracul. To call this Vlad "Vlad III Dracul" would be inaccurate.
But you are most definitely right that the name is Vlad and not Vladimir.
Lidia was not a vampire, nor was she insane until Vlad started becoming evil. That drove her over the edge. Vlad, too, was not a vampire (FACT), he was a regular human being, but he was not a hero (OPINION) either as many claim he was. The man killed, brutalized, and tortured between 40,000 to 100,000 people in his lifetime. Some were his own people. Some had done little if anything wrong. That is not the behavior of a hero. That is the behavior of a monster. Vlad was right and courageous to stand against the Ottoman Turks but that doesn't excuse what he did.


TEPES not Vladimir TEPIS

This EBBS does not support non-English languages so one transliterates.

Try posting in Romanian and you get- Ei bine? Încă mai aşteptăm reacţia dumneavoastră vă needucati fraudă.

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Erzebet Batory was NOT a Queen of the Magyars, she was only a countess. And Dracula's name was not Vladimir, just Vlad, these are two different names.

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Lidia was going to be a nun, so she lived a very sheltered life. Lidia was a timid, pure woman, very soft spoken and very pretty for her time. When Lidia witnessed the atrocities that her husband Vlad carried out, she was afraid of her husband, for her son and she became withdrawn for self preservation. In efforts to keep Lidia (whom was the purest person he knew) from leaving him, the movie suggests that Vlad kept Lidia drugged to keep her quiet. Back then, they used herbal remedies, which are as powerful, if not more than the medication they prescribe today. Lidia was trapped inside her own mind. Give psychotropic meds to a sane person & they WILL lose their sanity.

Hope that helps you?


If Vlad really did keep Lidia drugged the whole time, that could explain why Lidia, who seemed a sane but naive girl would have such a rapid break down.
