Historical inaccuracy list
Even though I do like this film here's a list of the things that were inaccurate to history.
Some of the biggest changes from history are as follows...
1. Vlad Dracula was only known as Vlad Tepes "the impaler" after his death. Not during his life. During his life he signed his name as Wladislaus Dragwlya (Vladislaus Dracula).
2. Dracula was actually one of four children, not two, though only two were given to the Sultan. He had a brother who became known as Vlad the monk and one older brother named Mircea.
3. Mircea (his older brother) had been blinded and then buried alive, not his father.
4. Vlad supposedly roasted the boyars alive, not had his men slaughter them. The real story here is more gruesome.
5. The first wife did not go insane and kill herself because of Vlad's brutality. She killed herself because an ally of Vlad's shot an arrow into the castle saying that the Ottomans were coming. Rather than be captured she threw herself into the river. The 1992 vampire movie was closer to the truth about this one...
6. Dracula's sons (two of them) were born of his second wife, not his first.
7. He never had direct combat with Radu, only Radu's men. It was one of Radu's men disguised as one of Vlad's people that finally killed him.