MovieChat Forums > Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (2000) Discussion > This Is The Best Dracula Movie I've Ever...

This Is The Best Dracula Movie I've Ever Seen

Like the subject says this is the best dracula movie I've ever seen. It's werid to hear me say that though cause I never thought I would ever see a better Dracula movie then Interview with a Vampire but this movie is even better then that one. If you havent seen this movie I would strongly suggest you do. It is really good. It's too bad I dont have this movie on DVD or VHS yet because I would watch it again and again if I did. I like it that much


you have got to be kidding me. how can you say it's the best? I'm Romanian and trust me...besides the fact that it SUCKS, the story is not even true. The only thing i'm sorry for are the actors. Great actors. BAD movie.




"Tugboat Annie Versus Dracula in the Land of Fire" was better.

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


alinsecriean--->apropo, se scrie "reckon", nu recon.
And you obviously don't know what a good movie looks like.


So's yer old man!

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


Esti romanca zici? Hmmmmm..... nu prea s-ar zice.....mai citeste si tu niste carti despre istoria romanilor sau daca iti e greu sa citesti intra pe Wikipedia si cauta acolo ist. lui Vlad al-III-lea Dracul sa vezi din ce s-a inspirat cel care a facut filmul...... si sa stii ca a fost un film realist (probabil de aceea nu ti-a placut). not watch any more historical movies go watch some soaps.....:P


how does being romanian make you a better judge of this movie? are english people better judges of bond movies? no, so go suck on it

you look like snoopy and it makes me smile


simply because we know our history :)
when it claims to be the "true" story of Dracula, accuracy should be considered. and bond is fictional. why would you make such an analogy?


I liked this movie and I took it for what it was... a movie. I am smart enough not to believe everything I watch on TV. If I am interested in the subject, I will do some reading about the true events because I know that 'Hollywood' tends to twist facts to suit their means.


Bram Stoker's Dracula is THE best Dracula movie ever, watch it.....


I just watched this movie today and I thought it was pretty good! The acting was very good and the scenery and gothic castles really set the mood. Funny I never heard of it when it came out in 2000...


Im romanian too buddy.

Ok.This movie is great. Parts are a little funky, and it has its share of Great parts.

It tenderizes Vlad Tepes true story...



Sheesh. Why does it seem like there are more Romanians than Americans on the internet these days? You can't swing a dead pop singer without hitting a Romanian, it seems....

Slight exaggeration there, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the better movies about Vlad the Impaler out there. It was well acted, the characters were well portrayed and there wasn't an obnoxiously red suit of full plate armor in sight. :-D


I saw it on TV years ago and wasn't able to find it till now.. I need to find it on the DVD. Its not the best, but it caused me to read more about the real people involved and that is what I like. The fact that I STILL think about that movie means it was pretty darn good, regardless of what others here say.
Maybe I don't know a good movie according to the critics, but so what.


Interview with a Vampire has nothing to do with Dracula, but yes, it is a good vampire film.


what did the empolge say at the end?
I,ve seen this movie and I think it is very good
documentary of the life of vlad the III. I like learning military history
and Plan to be a Military Historyian. It's kind of odd really, everyone loved him even though he was meciles to thoughs who denfied his laws.
Its like when Joseph Stalin (once Dictator of Sovet Union) died everyone was balwing there eyes out.

want to know more on history?
or your local library
or you can email me (I wont give the email site to just anyone)


Good luck on your quest to become a "military historyian". Is there good money in that field?

I know what you mean about Joseph Stalin. I "balwed my eyes out" when John Ritter passed away.


'Interview With A Vampire' was quite good, but it is a bit overrated. It seems most 'goths' watch it and think it is the best (or best vampire) movie ever, just to seem cool or countercool or whatever...And yes it has nothing to do with Dracula.

I really would like to see this film...Daltrey is in it after all, and 'The Who' is one of my favourite bands. And Vlad Dracula was interested, to boot!

Is it availiable in the UK on DVD, yet?

"The face of evil is ugly to look upon. And as the pleasures increase, the face becomes uglier."


As TV movies go, this one is... good-ish. Not about to win any awards for historical correctness, but it's FUN.
Every time someone mentions Dracula, somehow IwtV comes into the picture. "Interview" kind of sucked. Even as a goth, I have to admit that. Gah. The people who claim it was the 'best' movie of its kind are either 15 and have only seen two vampire films total, or are in their 30s and think anything Anne Rice touches is automatically Oscar quality.


so does anyone know what the epologe said at the end? i saw it but i forgeot what it said. and to the answer for your question is the term historian is usually ment for professers in history lie when you see a documentry on the history channel and it cuts to a sceen of a person explaining something about the subject. but i think a job as a history professer could pay well depending where you work.



is this the same one that was the usa or tnt or tbs(one of those stations) original movies. came on the month before attila??? if it is then i'd have to agree that its the best dracula movie i've ever seen. and also if it is the same one i'm thinking of then the story is true, as close as it gets to the history books anyways.


I believe this is the same one.


I've just seen this movie and I agree it's very good.It's the most "faithful" to history from those I've seen and the acting was nicely done.Of course,there were some mistakes,but the fact that we were shown another side of the story of this great ruler is very good.I doubt that he kept the blood of the people he killed,let alone drink it,and I never heard that he was cruel without a reason(even though some people think so).
So,this really is one of the best movies about Dracula that have been made especially because it shows many events that did occur.I liked Dracula by Bram Stoker,but that has nothing to do with this great man,excepting some names it's pure fiction.


I never heard that he was cruel without a reason(even though some people think so).
It might just be a personal quirk but I do consider impaling some guy because he didn't like the smell of rotting flesh to be, well, kind of pointlessly cruel. Maybe just a little. Sort of. In a way. From a certain point of view.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.
-Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)


That is cruel,of course.But when did Vlad did such a thing?That must be something from the movie-I haven't seen it from the beginning.Else I don't know how you came up with such an idea...


seen it and seem to have forgotten all about it :s

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow." O.W.


That is cruel,of course.But when did Vlad did such a thing?That must be something from the movie-I haven't seen it from the beginning.Else I don't know how you came up with such an idea...

They say history is written by the victors and on a side note people like to white wash their own history to make their side look better. Notice how even here in America the Southern text books are very different from the Northern ones in regard to why the civil war happened.

Some history books say Vlad THE IMPALER (you don't get that sort of name from cuddling bunnies!) would slice the breasts off women who had children out of wed lock and then force the babies to drink the blood. Other stories say he roasted the Boyars alive in a room he turned into a giant oven by burning a fire under the floor of the windowless stone room. Another story says he had turkish nobles turbans nailed to their heads for refusing to take their hats off (as is their custom). Then there's the famous story that supposedly was to make him look GOOD when he had a poor farmer's wife put to death because she was 'lazy'. Something he determined by how dirty the farmer's clothes were. And he got the farmer a better wife who always made sure his clothes were clean. There's a popular story that he cut the nose off a servant who didn't like the smell of the impaled corpses.

He might have protected Eastern Europe from becoming part of what is today the middle east but he was not a nice man.

Again, you don't get a name like Impaler for being friendly.

A cynic once said history only remembers the guys who did nasty things to get remembered. You never read about the real heroes.



The whole story behind him drink the blood of his enemy is where part of the myth of vampires came from. the immortal part is from his excommunication from the church doomed him to room the earth for all eternity un able to enter heaven or hell. I just a movie about the real Vlad Dracula that shows parts where the myth was dirived from



Bram Stoker wrote his story about the blood sucking leech and placed it in Romania and made a Romanian HERO the villain because if Bram Stoker had said openly the blood sucking leech was the British Empire, said empire would have lynched him.

Like so many Romanians, I am sick and tired of people taking a book that criticized British rule and Victorian morals and accepts it as a documentary. Want to know about vampires. Here is an excellent history

Romania is, off and on, building a DraculaLand, but like Disneyland those of us from Romania know vampires are no more real than Mickey Mouse. Most Romanians didn't even know about vampires being Romanian until 1989 when after we executed Nikolai and Elena, the tourists showed up looking for vampires.

I’m open to the possibility it’s possible.
Is your mind open to the possibility it’s impossible?


Why is it that everyone on these vampire movie boards is Romanian? Hey guess what? I'm Romanian, too! See, anyone can say it! I realize I'm hyperbolizing a bit, but pretty much every time I go to a vampire movie page, there is at least one person claiming to be Romanian. Are they? Maybe. Does it freaking matter? NO. Do you people think by saying, "I'm Romanian, so I should know," will make us pay more attention and give more weight to your opinion? Because it doesn't. You know whose opinion I care about when it comes to Dracula or any vampire movies for that matter? Someone who has actually studied and researched the subject. And I highly doubt that just because someone is Romanian they devote their life to learning everything they can about Vlad.

So, bottom line, don't say, "I'm Romanian" everytime you jump on to a vampire movie board. It doesn't make you any more credible than anybody else. It's just annoying.

Sorry for the "rant," I know those can be annoying as well.


Hai la joc!!

I’m open to the possibility it’s possible.
Is your mind open to the possibility it’s impossible?


Hey guess what? I'm Romanian, too! See, anyone can say it!

Onde esta? Dvs nu sunteþi Român, eu sunt. dvs întrebat, eu am rãspuns ºi dupã aceea dvs aþi dispãrut. Westerner.

I’m open to the possibility it’s possible.
Is your mind open to the possibility it’s impossible?



Ei bine? Înca mai asteptam reactia dumneavoastra; va; needucati frauda

I’m open to the possibility it’s possible.
Is your mind open to the possibility it’s impossible?



This is a good movie; it is serious, and well written. It is more of a serious film than "Interview With A Vampire" which isn't a 'Dracula' movie but merely a 'vampire' movie. I also liked "Dark Prince," however I still prefer the 1979 "Nosferatu" with Klaus Kinski, and find that to be a masterpiece of horror. I also recommend "The Hunger," as it is an amazing piece of film making as well. Just avoid the 2013 remake of this film, also called "The Dark Prince" as it is a piece of garbage.

Fabio Testi is GOD


I like this one but no way is it the best
