Oh no. No, no, no, no, no...

It can't be. NO WAIT, let me guess. Disney is out of original movies to wreck so they're moving on to the 3's now, hm? So in a few more years they'll move on to the 4's, and then the 5's, and so on? How long can this horror possibly continue? Someone needs to stop this madness.


I agree completly, it's either dumb sequals or dumb prequals or crappy 3D movies it's gotten outta control!

Lady Shadowhardt


Disney doesn't care anymore, it's no suprise to me. But, I want to see what they do with Cinderella 3, that one looks okay.

The last "safe" Disney movies: Sleeping Beauty and Robin Hood. Pray they don't do anything to them.

Proud Member of the Unholy Alliance of Winx Haters


Cinderella 3? Omg havent heard about that one before! Your right Disney doesn't care anymore!

Only two safe Disney movies? thats bad! What about Snow White (never liked that anyway but still) are they gonna make a sequal to that? Arg it's all pixar these days! I really hate pixar now

Lady Shadowhardt


Cinderella 3 has the plot where the stepmother steals the fairy godmother's magic and turns back time to screw up Cinderella's "happily ever after."

I forgot about Snow White, ya, that one's safe. *cuddles her Robin Hood DVD* No evil sequels for you, Robin, nononononono!

Proud Member of the Unholy Alliance of Winx Haters


lol, yeah the Cinderella plotline looks better (Cinderelle 2 was just a cheap comedy rip-off)

They prolly will do a sequal to Robin Hood :(, i used to like that movie but my brother (who has a disability) likes to watch movies over and over and over and rewinding certain parts over and over it drives me cray lol. Robin Hood is one but i haven't seen it for a while now soo yeah.

Disney and Pixar suck now

Lady Shadowhardt



I'll not pass judement until I see it.

Proud Member of the Unholy Alliance of Winx Haters
A Wielder of Aiglos


Yeah, I mean who ever wanted confirmation that Ariel and Eric had sexual intercourse? That's best left up to the imagination. The couple is supposed to dash off into the sunset and never be heard from again...not come back eleven years later to star in a film about their parenting issues. Thanks, Disney, for ruining everything.

A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.


lol yeah, sometimes i find it better when you don't know what happend to them, co it is a fact they gonna gro up and have kids blah blah blah but that sucks to watch it's best left how we knew 'em

Lady Shadowhardt


*hackcough* Fanfiction ruins it alllot earlier than the big corporations.

Original fairy tales were never intended for kids, they were full of sex and other adult whatnot. Take, for example, an early version of Sleeping Beauty, called Thaila, Sun, and Moon. The prince comes riding along, spies the castle, goes to investigate, finds a pretty girl (Thaila), RAPES her, then leaves. She gives birth to twins (Sun and Moon) 9 months later (delivered by fairies who were "keeping watch over her" [yeah right]) and one of the twins sucks on her finger where she pricked it and that's how she's revived.

Sounding adult yet? Wait till you hear this: Thaila takes the kids and goes to see their daddy. The prince, however, is already married to somebody else and she's mad as heck. So, she tricks the prince into believing he ate his own kids (actually, they're rescued by the cook who's too nice to kill them) and tries to throw Thaila into a bonfire. She herself gets thrown into the fire and everyone lives happily ever after.

Sooo. Yeah... that's all I have to say about that.

Proud Member of the Unholy Alliance of Winx Haters


whoa, I never knew that story before. Your right, fairytales not meant for kids!

Lady Shadowhardt


There's a really good book out there that explains everything "The Witch must Die." I can't remember who wrote it but it's really good and shows you the evolution of Fairy Tales from what I showed you to the form we know them today. Thanks largely to the Brothers Grimm.

Proud Member of the Unholy Alliance of Winx Haters


It's never too late to realize that.


Yeah, I know the original fairy tale.

A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.


Eh, I don't know half of the original fariytales, i've read so many versions of different ones so I can never tell which is the real one. All i know is that Disney arent the real ones

Lady Shadowhardt


Its ruining great classics AND I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! *throws remakes and follow-ups of disney classics on top of a bonfire*

"Melinda was very aware that the cookies were not on the table"


Instead of being p*ssies and making sequels to their classics, why don't they try to be inspired by them and make new stories, rather than bullsh*t CGI movies that take zero creativity/individualism to produce? Where are the angry mobs when you need them?

A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.


I agree with the crappy CGI movies they get worse and worse every year! I've stopped watching them now

Lady Shadowhardt


Meh, depends on the studio. Dreamworks has some good ones. The rest, not so good, especially the latter ones.

Proud Member of the Unholy Alliance of Winx Haters
