MovieChat Forums > Freddy Got Fingered (2001) Discussion > Is it a neo-surrealist masterpiece or ju...

Is it a neo-surrealist masterpiece or just edgy try-hard garbage?

shame what happened to tom green tho, sam hyde filled the void for awhile but he's lost the talent too.


Neither. Goofy, fun movie if you aren't annoyed by Tom Green's style of humor. I've always liked him and Rip Torn is the best.


^agreed. It's just a funny movie because it's funny. I think if it had a few less disturbing jokes in it I think it might have not turned people off so much. Rip Torn is absolutely the best part of the movie.


It's one of the most hilariously dumb films ever to come out of Hollywood.

There are things that just totally take you by surprise in the film, like when his friend horribly breaks his leg on the skate ramp, and it randomly cuts to Gordy licking the wound for no apparent reason. Or when he puts all the cheese on the guy's sandwich and the guy goes, "What the hell am I supposed to do with this??" and Gordy goes, "Well, you can stick it up your bum-bum!". Sounds incredibly stupid and childish written down, but the delivery of the line just gets me.


I wouldn't say it's neither. I think "edgy try hard garbage" is actually a pretty accurate description of the movie but I still got some "very" cheap laughs out of it. I think accepting it as "so bad it's good" or rejecting it as pure, irredeemable trash are both valid, depending on your tolerance level for pure nonsense.



One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life, and this from somene who used to be so into Bad Movies that I actually watched "The Terror of Tiny Town" deliberately.




i guess you don't really like this


No, it’s terrible.


The former, indeed.
