5000 people gave it a 10?

5000 people thought this movie was flawless, perfect, and with out flaw. Somehow people have to be making loads of fake accounts and giving films ridiculous votes to change their ratings. I am not going to say people are wrong for liking this film, but I can safely say people are wrong for rating this film a 10. Wrong.


You don't have to think its flawless to give it a 10. Besides you really can not say someones opinion is wrong. It wouldn't be an opinion then.


Saw it last night and loved it, but I'm only giving it a 9.


It is meant to disgust the viewer and on that level it is flawless.


actually its pretty flawless at what it set out to achieve.


Had to give it a 10 to make up for all the 1's it got.

This movie is too funny to be rated only a 4.5.


It's not a 10, but it's not a 1 either. A one star would have to be more than something you did not like, it would also have to be badly made, totally un-watchable due to some manner of technical issue (such as sound poor enough to make dialogue unintelligible).

26% of voters (the largest group) chose 1 star, which is, I would guess why people who like the film feel compelled to try and bring the score up closer to what it deserves.

Why only get angry at people giving overly positive ratings? Why not get angry at people who are basically trolling the system?

It's just not a very good rating system, I don't even look at that part of the page 90% of the time.



"Flawless" and "with out flaw" mean the same thing. Also it should be "without flw" not "with out flaw", which is a flaw.


On a scale of one to ten, how much did I laugh during this film? I'd say a pure 10.
And that is what the movie set out to do. If it meant something deeper than making you laugh your ass off, my grade would be lower.


For me it's a 10. People like the OP claiming how 'terrible' it is we enjoy it - you are the freak that is bent on spreading negativity about something instead of leaving the people who like it to enjoy it.

I hate religion myself but I don't go around saying how terrible the people that think it is great are.


You just compared religion (a tool that is used to manipulate people) to a film. The two are the complete opposite. Wow. How clueless can you get?

Here's a slinky, go play.


And you don't think movies have ever been used to manipulate people?

How clueless are you?

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


Tom Green has a lot of friends who visit IMDB.com. That's all. Anyone who thinks this film is a 10 should be locked away in a asylum for 10yrs. This movie is terrible and not very funny at all. Johhny Knoxville does obnoxious things in Jackass as well, but it's more creative and at least it's funny most of the time. Even Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat was 10x's better then this crap. Tom Green needs to stay away from directing films.

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...and you need to stay away from our oxygen.


And he has stayed away from drifting films. FGF was a massive flop and one of the most poorly reviewed films of all time. And now it has a cult following because it's bizarreness resonates with some people. I enjoy watching it because it's weird.


So, based on reviews you must love The Phantom Menace.


I tried, but I don't understand what you're asking.

I would rather watch FGF right now over Phantom Menace. I know that much.


You watch Van Damme movies and Noah.
