MovieChat Forums > The Lost World (1999) Discussion > What happened to Summerlee?

What happened to Summerlee?

I saw an episode where Roxton, Summerlee, and Malone fell off a bridge with some 'badguys' and I don't remember seeing Summerlee afterwards. I was being rushed around at the time. Did he die, or does he come up in another episode or is it left up to your imagination until the next season, which may not come out?


Summerlee gets shot, with arrow I believe, in the gut and takes a header off the bridge. That was the Season 1 finale.
The actor/character did not come back for Season 2 or 3. They never found his body so like anyone who watches soap operas knows that means Sommerlee could be out there somewhere.
There was an episode that had Sommerlee appearing to the other characters, but he wasn't a ghost. They figured he was on some other plane of existence, or something like that.

"Nobody panic. This is all just a big mistake."


Mmmmmmmm, very interesting.


Can anyone tell me what happened to Malone?
The first time he disappeared was because he fell in the ghost world. But I remember they bought him back after few eps.
Probably I missed, I did not see Malone in the last few eps (or season). What happened to him?


During an attempt to use the airballoon to get out of the lost world, Veronica somehow gets stuck on the balloon by herslef and floats away, not to be seen again for a few episodes. During her absence, Malone leaves to find her by himself. Now with Malone gone, Finn shows up from the future and while she's around, Veronica shows out of nowhere. Now with Finn, the group is allthere except for Malone who is still searching for Veronica.

"The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right"



Dang, I missed that completely. Sorry, I watched it every morning as it reran it's series over and over. Still missed it though. I must not have been paying attention when Malone said he wanted to go find adventure, either.

"The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right"


I just saw this episode... after the group takes headers off the bridge, everyone gets located again except Summerlee. Roxton is saved by the lizard guy with the british accent, who tells them he saw Summerlee go over the edge of a big high waterfall and was too late to help. They all go look at the waterfall, which appears to be bottomless. The lizard guy tells them that it's rumoured to be a way off the plateau.

At the end of the episode they mourn him a bit, and decide to name a new plant species after him. So, it was pretty clear that, for all intents and purposes, he died.


The episode Barbarians at the Gate showed Summerlee being hit by an arrow. However, there was every intention of bringing his character back. Financial troubles beset the second season (Telescine went bankrupt) and cuts needed to be made. However, that being said, the writers knowing what a great character Summerlee (is) brought him back (as a ghostly appearance) in *Man of Vision*. Also in the Third Season the name Summerlee was brought up in *Suspicion* when his helmet was found. Also, the beetle Challenger found was also named Summerlee. At the end of Season 3 the Beetle was undergoing change.

This is from the writers about Summerlee:

So if he did get medical attention, say from some people who were grateful to him for how he cared for a certain other person, and if his alleged drop over the waterfall turns out not to have happened, say because whoever gave him medical attention probably would have to fish him out of the river to do so, why then, he might not seem to be dead at all, would he?


And here's the finality of it. Summerlee is alive and well in Avalon (the resting place of King Arthur). And the bettle that Challenger found was actually a message of some sorts sent by Prof. Summerlee to Challenger.

All of this was going to be revealed in the juanted 4th season. Now we may never know what really happens to anybody or what it all means. But let's hope there's a movie or mini-series or DVD release to clear it all up.

"When the day comes we have to go to war against Utah, we're really going to kick ass, y'know?"


There is a written summation that was given out at the last Convention, eventually it will be posted soon to the website or on the convention website.

Marguerite and Roxton are destined to be together as are Veronica and Ned. It's a great summation.....

