This is awful!!!

Err. Did the makers of this even read Conan Doyles book? Did they even study the physiology of dinosaurs? I think not! And you call those british and scottish accents? Give me a break.

I've learned this much. Take what you can, when you can- Jenner


Just one look at Veronica and all is forgiven.


"I've become what I rebelled against as a young filmaker. I've become the studio." - George Lucas


Forgive me if I'm being stupid - but who exactly is Scottish?


Challenger is supposed to be Scottish, well he went to the University in Glasgow, so that might be where they were thinking of. Right?


this is not a show to watch if you're not expecting a certain amount of cheese. that doesn't make it bad, though- different strokes and all.

personally, i adored it. i have a thing for cheesy yet fun and sometimes remarkably good shows shot in new zealand and australia (anything my sam raimi and rob tapert, "farscape", etc).

and in terms of accents, i got over it fast. australians can have hard time saying 'a's the english or north american way. everytime someone said "idea" i giggled.


I like cheese. Actually I love cheese. But there's only so much cheese I can take before getting constipated. Well, I'm stuck now...

Fabricati Diem, Pvnc !


I read the book and I thought it really sucked. However I love this show. Anybody with a sence of adventure and a little imagination would probably agree.


Sure, it may not be the BEST show and it may not be the most FAITHFUL thing to the book, but thats ok; Since when did Hollywood stay faithful to a book? Well, with the exception of Holes (only one I can think of), they don't care.

I to have a soft spot for cheesy shows. Look at Xena and Hercules. They stayed on for a long time. And you know why? Because people LIKED them. Some because of the cheesyness, while others thought it wasn't.



Perhaps the words "Based On..." escaped you in the opening credits, or you don't understand what that means.
Who the hell is Scottish?
I believe you're mistaking Australian accents for attempted British accents. One thing, however, Veronica sounds a little too much like she's from Los Angeles from time to time.

You don't get a break.


You need a break alright. Hit the toilet.


Well I think its a great show. The dinosaurs arnt 100% relistic, and so its not true to an OUTDATED book, and how can you squeese a three season tv series into a novel hey. Good show, nothing more to say.
