Lost World petition

Not sure if this was ever mentioned here, but a friend and I started a petition about a year ago to bring back the show or at least a wrap up of season 3. It has over 1600 signatures now. I'm sure there are people out there that don't come to the official board and that havent heard about this petition elsewhere. So for those people, you can find the petition here:




1714 signatures!! I just signed it!! x

So long its bin 4eva,my heart belongs 2u & neva think tht Im not strong enough!


I loved this show, its too bad it didn't last for a few more seasons. I still haven't got seasons 2 and 3 on dvd yet. Only season 1


Why would anyone want to bring this show back? it's a travesty of the original Conan Doyle novel. It's badly acted, badly scripted...the special effects are awful. It's utter garbage! Go and watch the 2001 BBC production instead. Not perfect but far far far better than this and it treats the original novel with respect.

Spielbergs WOTW is an insult to Hg Wells! LotRings 11 Oscars, King Kong 3 Oscars, WotW 0


SinisterCreep...why would anyone want to bring back this show? Its entertaining thats why. There's two reasons I like watching it. Jennifer O'Dell..and Rachel Blakeley.

If you don't see that...then you're blind.


Considering the amount of people that have already signed the petition, the amount of people that are a member of the official board and the amount of other people I know that watch the show, I'd say there are enough people that love the show even if you don't!!


I signed the petition ... 2233 now.

The most fun show since the original series of Star Trek.

Some ppl seem to have strange criterea for judging how much they enjoy a tv show. Personally .. I dont care what the literary ties the title suggests.

The Lost World puts posturing shows such as Buffy and the rest of the teen angst "look-at-me-i'm-cool-and-tough" shows to shame.


I signed it I am 2259!

That's the way it crumbles...cookie-wise.
