How many kills

How many people do you think they have killed on the show? They have shot a lot of ape-men, trogs , and regular humans. (I am not including all the dinosaurs and monsters they have killed) Who do you think has killed the most? Veronica I think has killed the least. But she has lived there her entire life. She probably had to kill a few guys from time to time growing up.


Roxton no question has killed the most...then I'd say Veronica...then Malone and Margurite! Great show!


Margurite killed those gang of pirates by filling the chest with explosives. I think she has killed more than Malone. He is just a reporter. Why is he so good with a gun anyways? Margurite must have killed more than Veronica. (In the alternate timeline, she kills like 1/3 of the world! )


Okay, so this post is kinda old lol but I just watched the episode the other day.

Margurite killed those gang of pirates by filling the chest with explosives.

Did anyone else find it slightly disturbing that Marguerite killed four people and everyone in the treehouse just laughed? lol They're some right sicko's!

Merry Cherry: Miss Glass, may I please be excused...TO RUN FOR MY LIFE!!!


Well, you never really saw them killed, just heard the chest explode -- and they were evil pirates that would have murdered anyone of them in their sleep if given half a chance. Hardly sympathetic characters. Good that they're gone. No future threat there.
