So I was new to the show, but I just finished the entire thing last night. I like the show, I love the possibility it has. It explored more sci-fi than anything I have ever seen. It explored the mysteries of the universe and the actors had such great chemistry. I liked season 1, and really liked season 2, but then season 3 came around and it was like a dog that lost one of it's legs. I don't know what happened yet as I promised myself I would wait til I finished all the episodes to look into why it was so bad but It must have been a budget problem. The story felt like half the writers had left, half of the main characters kept disappearing episode after episode and it was just plain bad most of the time. I did enjoy a few episodes and intimate moments here and there but it was nothing like it should have been or could have been. Season 3 just felt like it was 22 last dying breaths. Can someone explain to me what happened?
If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels. -Prince Phillip
I don't remember too well, but I think some of it had to do with the fact that there was some law restricting outside actors (those not from Australia) from coming into Australian productions, or something along those lines. Which is why Malone and Veronica were not featured as much in season 3; which sucks, but they didn't ask me, lol.
Wow, I was thinking that it was a possibility. That explains a lot. Sad to see that happen. Do you know if the show was already canceled at the beginning of season 3? If there was a script for season 4 then there must have been high hopes for another season, right?
If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels. -Prince Phillip
I want to say that the show was cancelled after season 3; the executive producers, a husband and wife team whose names I can't remember at the moment (but it's on the tip of my toungue, lol), already had an outline for the fourth season. Just remembered, actually, that their names are Garfield and Judith Reeves-Stevens; on their website, there is an outline for season 4, and I think for another season or two, but it's been 5 or so years-ish, since I've read it, so don't quote me on that (
I think it was assumed that there would be a season 4, because season 3 left on a cliff-hanger. Had they known, I imagine they probably would have not had the cliff hanger, but what do I know, lol? Hope this helps.
Hi C, nice to see you.... David seems to be getting a lot of work.
Standrkm, the Showrunner and writers were on board in Season Two and continued on in season three (its highest rated season).
The Lost World was nearly cancelled at the end of 2nd season due to tremendous budgeting concerns (and lower then average ratings). However a group of investors rescued the show in July 2001. Back to your question about where David and Jen were during 3rd season. The first two seasons TLW was a Canada/Australia co-production. The third season it became an all Australia production which lead to tax and immigration issues. Since David is Canadian and Jen is American they could only work a certain number of episodes (under the Australian Immigration rules).
It's funny I always thought he was Canadian and she was American, I could hear it. I loved it when they all did that Jack the Ripper episode. Man that's unfortunate. After seeing all three seasons recently I feel a void is in my life lol. Like a friendly neighbor just moved.
If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels. -Prince Phillip
I agree with you standrkm. Aside from the Australian labor laws reeking havoc with Malone and Veronica's availablity and having to deal with the horribly bland but aptly named Finn, as in a shark for jumping over. No offense to the husband and wife duo writers because they truly seemed to love the show, but they started taking the show into fanfic territory. They started to rewrite the already established past of some of the main characters and it was really, really annoying. I absolutely hated them changing the fact that Veronica's parents had both been explorers with an expedition who had gotten themselves lost and seperated from their daughter, their presence was establish in a few episode by other characters, tehn the writers decided her Mom was "the protector of the plateau" and her father was dead!?!? That was such a soap opera twist it wasn't even funny.
"Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend. . ."
you're right, and i try to forget season 3 ever happened. I did like how we got to see more of challenger and his inventions though but the relationships turned into something weird and unwelcomed towards the end there. its sad how labor laws and things like the writers strike destroyed good shows. i still love and miss the show. where else can you just tune in and be part of a prehistoric adventure? i guess writers think that just because people grow up into adults they think we all want to see csi shows or something. i just wanna escape reality and law and order is the last thing on my mind.
If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels. -Prince Phillip
Yeah it could have been a great season 3 but a couple of the actors had problems renewing their visa's. Imagine having to make an entire season without some of your lead, crazy. That's why it seemed so spliced together and why they had to bring all those other characters in. Margarite and Roxton's relationship was in limbo. I did like how we got to know Charger better, lot of fun.
Soldiers are dumb stupid animals used as pawns in foreign policy -Henry Kissinger Sec Of State
The first part of 2nd season saw the budding relationship of Marguerite and Roxton in some sort of limbo. This was front offices decision. There was some behind the scenes shake up in the middle of second season.. a new showrunner was hired. And the emphasis on romance between R&M started again with "Outlaw" During the third season the romance did pick up.. further STEAM. "Trapped" was a very Powerful episode And third season had the highest rating of all three seasons.
David and Jen's situation (this is a direct quote from the Treehouse News which appeared on the official newline board in September 2001):
2. Jennifer O'Dell's and David Orth's involvement. As you all know, because of the Telescene situation, the third-season return of The Lost World was a true cliffhanger for all concerned, and some accommodations had to be made to get the full season up and running at the last possible second.
In Jennifer's case, the production had to make allowances for her to take part in other productions. Thus, as has been reported on this board, Veronica will be appearing in 15 of 22 episodes. Fortunately, there are big plans this season regarding her quest for her parents, so it will make sense for Veronica to be off on her own journey during Jennifer's two brief absences from the show.
David's case is a bit more complex. It has nothing at all to do with David Orth's tax situation, but involves the business side of the series being an Australian production this year. In return for various tax incentive programs which make it possible for the show to be produced, we are limited in the number of non-Australian lead actors we can have over the course of a season. Thus, for the moment, Malone is scheduled to appear in seven episodes this season, beginning with episode #4. (However, Malone does have important roles to play in the first three episodes). Everyone involved with the production knows how important Malone is to the series, and we hope to have him back full time in the Treehouse as soon as possible.
outlaw was one of my favorites. I even remember how thrilled I was when seeing it and I actually remember a few scenes, good stuff. If the third season had the highest ratings then it should have never ended. I never really felt like the show was running out of ideas. I felt that way with BSG in the fourth season but in the lost world anything could happen. Man I miss BSG too.
Soldiers are dumb stupid animals used as pawns in foreign policy -Henry Kissinger Sec Of State
I certainly agree with you about it should have had at least another season. :) Mostly the problem was financing. The series struggled with financing since season one. In the middle of season two, Telescene went under financially. And between June and July TLW technically was cancelled, then!!! financing was found (Thanks to Peter Bergman one of the Executive Producers). Unfortunately, financing for the 4th (and the 5th) season could not be found. The reality TV show had really made inroads into the TV spectrum. It was easier, cheaper and more cost effective to produce reality TV then Live Action.
Reality tv has really damaged quality television the way music videos have damaged music. It seems that even discovery, history, animal planet have even went that route. It's sad.
Soldiers are dumb stupid animals used as pawns in foreign policy -Henry Kissinger Sec Of State
Money for these types of shows is why I hope crowd funding really takes off, but have the investors be like real investors instead of just getting a dvd