They explain the uniqueness of the plateau better in season 3. The landscape undergoes rapid and unexpected changes due in large part to the premise that the plateau is the intersection of the Earth's energy fields which render it prone to shifting planes of reality. This is one of the reasons why getting off the plateau proves to be such a difficult task.
It is for this reason that the group are always making new maps of the plateau because as good as Veronica's parents were at cartography, their maps just did not keep up with the surroundings.
As for the location of the Lost World, it is meant to be in South America, nestled somewhere within the Amazon.
This show took a lot of liberties with the source material. I was one of the people who liked it, but I also enjoyed the A & E mini series that was a more literal, straightforward portrayal of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel.
That being said, this show, by adding a number of complexities to the plateau does aid in explaining why it's the only place on earth that has dinosuars, apemen and ancient tribal societies.
I hope that helps.