MovieChat Forums > The Lost World (1999) Discussion > Not as benign as it might seem - Occult ...

Not as benign as it might seem - Occult and New Age

I was looking for a short documentary under the same name, French documentary to be precise, and while searching P2P, I’ve discovered this show. Caught me in good mood and I liked it.

But more I have seen, it was very clear that producers made priority to use Occult, New Age as much more then occasional motive to story. Almost programming type of effort for viewers. Rather "advanced" for 1999. Something I would expect today (sadly) to be normal, but not in 1999., as the show still offered some small amount of naivety that TV once had. Characters are not just accepting such fashion, but they are firm believers. In fact, Professor Challenger made clear he cannot rationalize faith, while being scientist, which is perfectly acceptable. Yet, although, "everything can be explained by science" by his own words, strangely, he always find great understanding for Channeling, Ghosts, Ouija Boards, and any other Occult practice. Not only he approves them, but sometimes he would even offer reference, about previous experience directly or indirectly.

Also, they have reduced the meaning of survival, very often as killing game of relative consequence. Any culture, save alone animal, who would witness for the first time the noise guns produce, will surely run to save their lives. Yet, every wild tribe has the same strategy, of behaving, almost like city gangs, who are more accustomed to traffic then woods.

Some magic, some mystic makes sense for tribes and mysterious plato, but this was more agenda, then anything else. Although I like characters, I would keep kids away from this.

