Missing sketches or fabrication?
The Wikipedia entry for Jam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jam_%28TV_series%29) features a sketch-by-sketch episode synopsis, BUT the listings are different from the Jam I know. I've watched the DVD many times and have never seen these sketches:
- "We hear the sounds of a car bomb going off in the distance, and we see a policeman looking in the same direction as the sound. Eventually, a woman, covered in blood and obviously wounded, begs the policeman for help, but he runs away, yelling behind him "I wasn't looking!" The woman collapses a few seconds later."
This is supposedly Episode 2, Sketch 8 - however, my DVD has a sketch where a guy holds up a newsagents just to ensure he gets change for his cigarettes, then gets arrested!
- "A young boy complains to his mum that there is a monster in his wardrobe. When she goes to check the monster turns out to be an old man, who uncaringly, tells the mother, when she asks what he was doing, that he was going to abduct and rape the child. The mother does not seem distressed, and tells the man to go downstairs and wait until she's gone to bed to abduct he child." This is supposedly Episode 4, Sketch 4 - again however, my version features instead a Mr. Bentham sketch where he asks for advice on cooling his chin down.
So what's going on here? The most reliable source of Chris Morris info, "Cookd And Bombd", states in its listing of Jam's sketches that mine are the 'real' ones. Their listings can be found at http://chilled.cream.org/forums/jam.php. So are the above sketches merely figments of some one-off man mental's imagination, or did somebody get access to some extremely rare material? Any thoughts?