Here are ways to improve what has become a horrible trainwreck.....
First, either let other winning challenge tribes decide who goes home or alternate it from challenge to challenge.
I don't know about others, but one irritation I have is how these tribes decimate their own tribes too early on because they are too busy trying to build relationships for much later on.
Second, get rid of the obvious merge or don't merge when everyone is anticipating it.
Third, quit accepting the supposed "superfans" for contention. Nothing is more meaningless or boring when listening to these people profess to build their resume or to declare they are experts of the "game." Who gives a shit! Try a season of complete novices.
Lastly, move back toward the surviving aspect and move away from the "social" part. All the fake and superficial emotions, endless yapping and backstabbing get so old and lay off all the idiotic modifications.