MovieChat Forums > Gilmore Girls (2000) Discussion > I Just Binge-Watched This on Netflix

I Just Binge-Watched This on Netflix

It's very good. Well written and excellently performed. Really enjoyed it (to my surprise).

But my God, the two women are such horrible people. Specifically when it comes to relationships. They fall for a guy then, just as soon as he starts getting serious, they suddenly lose interest.

The writers are clearly aware of this because there's even a scene where Rory tells Logan about her crush on a lecturer. She talks about being damaged and having self-destructive behaviour when it comes to relationships so clearly the writers are telling us something here.

That aside, I really enjoyed it. Kirk is awesome. As is Gill.


It's very good, isn't it.

Shows need to find ways to generate drama. That fuels interest and keeps the audience coming back.


It is really a very good one.
