MovieChat Forums > Gilmore Girls (2000) Discussion > I never bought the Rory/Logan relationsh...

I never bought the Rory/Logan relationship.

I can't buy that a guy like Logan would give up his slutty ways to be with a girl like Rory. But wait, Rory is a special snowflake and she gets whatever she wants.


I love Rory and Logan together BUT it was always unrealistic that he commits because she says he couldn't be a boyfriend lol that's not how things work. That's why the scene with her crying on the bathroom floor was so realistic and relatable because it happens to so many young women especially in college. I guess Logan was just ready to settle down but no one can resist Rory Gilmore in all of her ugly plaid coat glory.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I buy him temporarily giving up his slutty ways because Rory was a new challenge for him BUT there's no way he'd date her for three years. He'd be bored with her within a month in real life.


You sound correct. I couldn't buy him committing her to long term, let alone marriage.


I disagree. First of all, remember that Logan was two or three years older than Rory. They were celebrating his 25th birthday around her time of graduation from Yale. I think Rory was like an anchor to him and his previously unsettled life. She was his equal in terms of intellect and talent. They balanced each other out. She kept him grounded and responsible, and he helped her to take chances and venture outside her comfort zone. They were like ying and yang. I totally believe that by the series end he was willing to settle down with her and commit long-term. I believe that if this was real life, Logan and Rory would have maintained a long-distance relationship while she did her Obama Trail job, and he would have held off on his own ambitions and made her a priority for that year like Doyle was willing to do for Paris. In an interview prior to the revival, Matt C. said that despite what happens in the revival, that Logan will always love Rory, perhaps more than Rory can love Logan. Perhaps it was the real affection matt felt for Alexis that always shone through to me in the series and made Rory and Logan believable as a long term couple


Totally agree with your entire comment! I think Logan grew up a lot through the entire original run. As far as the storyline I think Rory was supposed to be the first person in Logan's life that he felt was worth making a commitment for. Even though that annoys a lot of fans because that makes Rory seem like she's an irresistible total package...I think that's what Amy and Dan were going for. She made the player play no more. But Rory got a lot out of the relationship as well. They were equals but had different personalities. I only paid attention to Rory in the later seasons because she was dating Logan and that made her life more intriguing. Realistically, they should of stayed together at the end of season 7 and she should of said yes.


The proposal was pretty ridiculous with the execution. I would've preferred if they did the long distance thing again and planned to move in together/get engaged once her work on the Obama trail was over. Logan would never issue an ultimatum or just walk away. They also timed it poorly so it seemed like Rory just got over their breakup quickly.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I can't buy that a guy like Logan would give up his slutty ways to be with a girl like Rory

But...he doesn't. He's cheating on his fiancee with Rory, so he never did change, according to the revival...


I and many others reject ASP's ending in the revival.


What I actually have a hard time believing is Rory falling in love with him. When you guys rewatch, does anyone else notice how it goes back and forth between the two affection-wise? Rory legit hates Logan in the beginning, and rightfully so! He behaves like an utter a-hole. After that they seem at least friendly with each other at the LDB stunt. Then she freaks out on him when Anna visits Yale, he pulls the prank in her lecture, and suddenly she's all into him by the time Richard and Emily renew their vows. It's very inconsistent writing IMO.

Plus, due to the fact that Rory kind of convinces him to give it a try, I always found their relationship weirdly unbalanced. It always seemed to me as if Logan was always in a position of power, and Rory just went along with it. And why exactly? Because he told her once that she was not outgoing enough? News flash: Jess did that in s2 already. He doubted that she was foreign correspondent material. And he was right.

And if Logan is so perfect for Rory, why is he cheating on her? I think he was just "trying her out", and then felt guilty because of how his family treated her. And on some level, I can even see that him dating her is a rebellion from that point onward.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


Rory legit hates Logan in the beginning, and rightfully so!

No, she doesn't. She's annoyed with him but that's all. Hatred looks different.

Then she freaks out on him when Anna visits Yale, he pulls the prank in her lecture, and suddenly she's all into him by the time Richard and Emily renew their vows. It's very inconsistent writing IMO.

That kind of behavior is actually quite common, to be honest. Up until that point Rory was oblivious to his intentions but then Marty points out that Logan obviously likes her and suddenly she begins to see him in a different light. Happens all the time when you're like "wtf is he thinking" and someone else is like "don't be stupid, he's trying to get your attention because he likes you" and you're like "whaaa??? he likes me???"


Most relationships have a lot of going back and forth, arguing, love/hate stuff going on. I think their relationship is realistic, and I don't see Logan as having all the power. There was the time he hired the coffee cart to follow her around all day, the time he sent her flowers every day, and showed up at her apartment begging her to take him back, the time he asked Lorelai to intervene on his behalf with Rory even though he knew Lorelai would mock him, etc. I think this was the first adult relationship Rory had with a guy.


I thought she was interested in Logan because he was intriguing to her and he was different from Jess and Dean. We also saw her "hate" Jess and Tristan before and that turned into more. Rory and Logan just work to me. Most of their issues were due to mutual mistakes.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I know we'll never agree on this, and that's OK for me. Let me just say that

There was the time he hired the coffee cart to follow her around all day, the time he sent her flowers every day

those things awefully look like he's buying her affection. At least to me they do.

I think this was the first adult relationship Rory had with a guy.

But weren't there too many games he played? Some other poster said Rory only saw Logan's affections when Marty pointed them out to her. How can it be the most adult relationship when her first two r'ships at least were based on common affection? I'm not sure how mature Logan is supposed to be when it takes someone else making Rory aware of his true feelings, decoding him for her if you will. It seems very immature to me.

I read in other posts of yours that you don't accept the revival's stance on Rogan. But shouldn't we see the revival as ASP clarifying herself? Because that way we know Rogan weren't supposed to be. And we have to accept that. What else are we gonna do? Believe me, I do have many problems with the revival (e.g. Luke's line that he doesn't want to have sex with anyone, WTH?), so I get your frustration.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


To be fair affections always have to be pointed out to Rory. Paris pointed out to Rory that Tristan and Jess liked her and then there was the harassment from Tristan and badgering from Jess. Dean had to practically stalk her for Rory to understand that he liked her. Marty had to spell it out for her. It just seems like the writers find persistence this romantic quality and they go over the top with it. I like Rory with Logan the best and I enjoyed the couple a lot but it's very difficult to even discuss her feelings because she's so self absorbed. All of her relationships are one sided and she never seems to show her emotions or rarely compared to Emily and Lorelai. Even when she doesn't talk to her mom for a long time after a fight, she doesn't seem too heartbroken and if Lorelai's lucky she gets a half hearted apology. I didn't even even remember Luke saying that but the writers haven't understood Luke since the beginning of season 5 so I can't even be surprised anymore. I haven't decided if I'm going to ignore the revival altogether or make my own ending that takes place after the revival fixing their mistakes.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Yeah, you're right, Rory needs to be told. I guess what I meant was that we as the viewers know that Tristan, Dean, and Jess are into her. We're not so sure with Logan at first.

I didn't even even remember Luke saying that but the writers haven't understood Luke since the beginning of season 5

Thanks so much for saying that! I thought I was the only one to think so! When Lorelai and Luke went to Paris to see if they wanted to have a kid (don't you know you want a kid prior to making that appointment?), he's this very uncharming, dumbed-down version of himself, asking all those questions about sleeping with the potential surrogate mothers. He then says "I don't wanna have sex with these women, I don't wanna have sex with anyone." I then waited for him to add something that, but it was Lorelai who said "Except with me of course." He should have said that! I'm sorry, but my mind has to go to the gutter for a bit here.

With all that crazy crankiness in the revival, one would think that if they still don't communicate after all those years, they're doing it like crazy. What balances this relationship if not mind-blowing sex every once in a while? Because frankly, that was my concocted theory all along: They're basically only together because they work remarkably well in the bedroom. The sad truth is that we don't get a remark about that at all. We do with every other guy we see Lorelai in bed with. Us JavaJunkies really don't get treated all that well.

Just like team Logan I suppose. There, I brought it back. Full circle. Because apparently, that's what this was all about. Really?

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


For some reason the writers take the label as simple too seriously. Luke's a simple guy to a certain extent but he's not stupid or tactless. They really don't understand him, his dynamic with Lorelai, or their relationship. Whenever Luke is around certain characters, he becomes this bumbling idiot who can't handle being pulled out of his comfort zone and begins to short circuit. Did we even get a real I love you between Lorelai and Luke during the revival?

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I didn't interpret Logan's gestures as trying to buy Roryy's affection. He knew she could not be bought that way. I see his gestures as an expression of caring for her in a way that he has never cared for anyone else before. They were in a relationship for 3 years, and during that time he matured and wanted a committed relationship with her to the point of proposing to her at the end.

I don't accept the ASP's revival because she wrote so many characters out- of -character from the series. I think she quickly wrote the revival without any real care or thought about the characters, and did it for the paycheck.


I can definitely agree on the latter. With the revival posing more question than answering them, it seems as if they're planning something else afterwards.

Still shopoholic, just wearing a new T-shirt


One episode she's annoyed with his tomfoolery, the very next one he's in, she perks up at the mention of Mitchum Huntzberger giving a party for a famous author. So it doesn't look good, but we're not supposed to think that Rory would like a guy for his money.

I wish they'd have just played it straight. Have Rory only interested in making a connection and getting an internship (be more cut throat), and have her see another side of Logan and fall for him. But then I'd also want the *beep* to hit the fan: Logan finds out she was using him and gets made; she has to make it up to him. But that would be a consequence, and Rory shouldn't have to deal with those.

Fizzling out Dean in a half-assed relationship was a waste of time. They could have setup Logan better. They didn't show us at all why she changed her opinion of him. I say this now, at the time I really hated Rory and knew why Logan was there. My thought was, ugh, just get on with it.

They were really lazy by S5. They didn't care about anything making sense. I didn't know why Marty liked Rory. I didn't know why Rory liked Logan. I don't why he'd forsake others for her. She's Rory, just go with it. I guess.

And if Logan is so perfect for Rory, why is he cheating on her?

Because he was just a sperm donor and a vague arranged marriage was the way to keep him out of the picture. Again, just go with it. It's about Rory.


Actually this happens a lot. Slutty guys settling down for the goodie good girls. It's a legit complaint of a lot of girls, that guys who are like that usually end up marrying or committing to girls like Rory after having their fun with other girls. Plus, I think guys like the quiet, shy and soft spoken girls who act all cute and girly. Ugh.


Plus, I think guys like the quiet, shy and soft spoken girls who act all cute and girly. Ugh.

Ugh, indeed.

-Carry on.-
