Yeah it never made any sense that everyone only blamed Jess. They were equally responsible. But the town never really blames Rory for anything, Jess was the outcast of the town immediately upon arrival. Rory tries the whole episode to get people to blame her. It's not like he stole her car or forced himself into the driver's seat, she gave him the keys. It is usually never good to allow anyone to drive your car, they weren't even dating. Also it was an accident that anyone could of had. He swerved to avoid hitting an animal. Rory could of done the same thing herself. It wasn't exactly reckless driving. Although they say if you think you are going to hit an animal hit it head on, swerving could make it worse. You could end up hitting a human or causing greater harm to yourself. The fact that no one was hurt and it was a fairly minor accident actually says a lot about Jess.
Also not sure why she even had her car there. Did she drive to Luke's? Lorelai hardly ever drove there herself, they usually walked...why was her car even there?